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Health 101: H1N1 Virus, 50 and counting

As at todate, 44,287 cases have been reported all over the world with 180 deaths – the bulk coming from Mexico: 113, US: 44 and Canada: 12 deaths.


(Where are the masks? Image source:

has finally hit 50 confirmed case last week and one can rest assured that it is not going to be the last case. The last reported case was a student in SRJKC – Jalan Davidson in Kuala Lumpur and the authorities have closed the school for a week.

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Safety 101: Who Monitors Safety Board in Bolehland?

safety jaya supermarket collapse

(It looks like a classic case of too many cooks spoils the soup – is this a case of too many safety experts from various sectors are now involved in the Jaya Supermarket fiasco that killed 7 people. Image source: Mai Tomyam)

Isn’t this a bit interesting?

Ghazali said government buildings were exempted from having to apply for Certificate of Fitness before occupying the premises.

(From theStar)

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Human Relationship 101: Letting Our Loved Children Go


(There will be time when parents will need to allow their to stand on their own and make decisions that will determine their own future)

I had 2 phone calls from my dad yesterday…

One call was during lunch time informing me that he had cooked something at home and asked whether I had time to drop by the house for lunch. Given the traffic situation, it was an impossible mission to achieve.

Another was late at night when I was still in the office, asking me to drop by his workplace to pick up something. My , these days, works as a night shift guard to pass his free time (he got so bored sitting in the house) and earn some cash (a far cry from those days when he was young and was driving a 10 tires truck)

Read More »Human Relationship 101: Letting Our Loved Children Go

Food 101: Great Maggi Instant Noodles, Life Saviour Dinner Dish

Maggi Mee Instant Dinner Food

noodles can be classified as the Malaysian dish as an instant, hot that you can quickly cook over by just adding hot water and is a saviour when you are away on an overseas project and you are hungry at night. Image Source: Lazada

Read More »Food 101: Great Maggi Instant Noodles, Life Saviour Dinner Dish

Education 101: Strong Support for 1Sekolah

support 1sekolah one school system

When ex-ISA detainee M Manoharan proposed that all Malaysians born after August 31, 1957, to be accorded a Bumiputra status but without any question to the constitutional rights and privileges of Malays, many applauded & supported the proposal.

However at the same time, many questioned this proposal in light with the existence of many types for for Malaysians. It is a valid point.

Read More »Education 101: Strong Support for 1Sekolah

Enforcement 101: Appropriate To Arrest Innocent Legal Aid Lawyers?

Legal Aid Lawyers Appropriate

The question is whether it is appropriate for the police to arrest these brave came to provide to those who have been arrested for assembly. Image source: Malaysian Bar

Sometimes it is just too obvious that some politicians do not know what they are talking about. When this happens, they end up looking like an idiot in the middle of a busy road.

Read More »Enforcement 101: Appropriate To Arrest Innocent Legal Aid Lawyers?

Personal Trip 101: On Long Pangkor Island Break Part 4

Pangkor Fish Lunch

(In the hotel that we stayed, lunch was great though but only if we were early to queue up. Those coming late had fewer things to eat. Lunch seemed to be so tasty after a “hard day at work” at the beach.)

Read Part 3 here

It was the 2nd day in Pangkor and frankly speaking, we started to get bored. The hotel room, the food and the pool were in a sorry state but then again, this is something we need to accept if we wanted some things to be free. Couple that with frequent blackouts and crowded beaches and it does not look too good. Having nothing much to do was however a blessing in disguise, we managed to catch up on our sleep.

Read More »Personal Trip 101: On Long Pangkor Island Break Part 4

Personal Trip 101: On Long Pangkor Island Break Part 3

Pangkor Candle Light Dinner

(Unfortunately, it was not romantic having dinner by the candlelight when suddenly the power went out in the hotel without any notice)

Seriously, what a man will do when lying down in a hotel room next to a beautiful beach? Let me rephrase that – what a family man will do when lying down in a 1-star hotel room next to an overcrowded beach?

Read More »Personal Trip 101: On Long Pangkor Island Break Part 3