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April 2010

Tech News 101: New Modern USD100

USD 100

(Have you seen a 100 dollar that dances on a blue strip? Now you will with the new USD100 note. Image source: Wikipedia)

This is the newest design of the US 100 dollar note (the most counterfeited of all denominations) which was revealed on 21st April 2010.

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Enforcement 101: What, RM1,000 fine cancelled?

enforcement fine traffic law police summon

(A simple question – if there are 2 situations where the amount is different – one is RM300 and another RM1,000, in which situation you think will make this offender who is using the emergency lane to cut queue to think twice? Photo by Erik Mclean from Pexels)

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Ugly Malaysian: The Horrors at Buffet Line


(Some don’t realise it but when it comes to and queuing, there are some unwritten rules. Image source: Youtube)

Let me narrate you a story…

You are at a special function. You have been sitting there for hours, listening to some boring speech and over-killed cultural show at the front. You realised that you are hungry and looked at your watch. You realised that there is only couple of minutes to go before lunch.

You tell yourself that you can hold on for couple of minutes more. You scan around and realised that you are nearer to the buffet table and therefore stands better chance to be one of the first in the line for the food.

“Ladies and gentlemen, lunch is now served, please enjoy yourselves” a loud announcement was made

You rush to the buffet table but not at the speed of someone is too desperate for food – you want to keep it cool.

Just to be on the safe side, you even managed to chat with someone “on the way” to the buffet table. By the time you reached the buffet table and take your plate, there is already couple of people standing in front of you, digging into the delicious buffet spread. Looking at all the food on the buffet table makes you even hungrier but you able to maintain your composure.

You are inching to grab the food quickly and then go to a quiet corner when you realised the buffet line is not moving. You asked yourself “what is going on here?”

Sound familiar?

Read More »Ugly Malaysian: The Horrors at Buffet Line

Politics 101: Hulu Selangor By-Election Poser Part 4

Beer Hulu Selangor Hishamuddin

(With no new ideas, the battle in has now turned into a “battle of the bottles”, so some quarters say. No word on the street that Kamalanathan also drinks but Indians are known to take alcohol like water. Image source:

Read More »Politics 101: Hulu Selangor By-Election Poser Part 4

Blogging 101: News Snippets As At 14 April 2010

shah rukh my name is khan snippet hindi movie

(News snippet – this is a good movie but I seriously think they could have gotten another actor to play the role of a person with autism. Image IMDB)

When I am at home and I strike a good idea or when I am from work and I get pissed off with the number of idiots on the road or when I am at the office and I overheard something funny or when I surf the net and find something brilliant, there is plenty of things that I want to write down (some posts have the potential to be the killer post of the year).

Read More »Blogging 101: News Snippets As At 14 April 2010

Tamil Movie Review: Funny, Spoof Rich Thamizh Padam 2010

Thamizh Padam movie comedy tamil

(The movie hero in the first hero song – I loved when the dance master joins in to dance and get chased away – spoof from many of Vijay’s movies. Image source: IMDB)

If you thought Venkat Prabhu’s Goa was funny, well, let me tell you – you have not seen anything yet!

Read More »Tamil Movie Review: Funny, Spoof Rich Thamizh Padam 2010