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July 2022

History 101: The Famous Babylon, Most Hated City In The Bible?

Robert Cargill Babylon Ancient Civilsation

I would highly recommend my current read, The Cities That Built The Bible by Robert R. Cargill who is an Assistant Professor of Classics and Religious Studies at the University of Iowa irrespective of whether you are a Christian or not as it looks at the various cities such as Babylon that were mentioned in the Bible from an archaeological standpoint of view and how ancient rituals, wars and even Gods have somehow formed the contents and narration of the Bible. Image source: Perlego

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Human Relationship 101: The Interesting 8 Level of Human Life

Human Baby Life Sunlight

When it comes to human life, I always thought of it as being in 3 main stages – childhood, adulthood and finally old age. However if one looks into these stages deeply, life is generally divided into 8 stages and each stage has its own unique characteristics. Photo by Josh Willink.

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Gaming 101: Chess – Deep In Strong Strategies & Tactics Thoughts

Chess Game Gaming

A long time ago before we started playing the well-known game of strategy, chess, we played checkers in our old neighbourhood as it was simpler to play. It was difficult to play chess initially as different pieces on the board have different modes of movement and also because there was no one to teach us the right way to play. Photo by Simón Arroyave.

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Economy 101: Seriously, Is Malaysia’s External Debt As Bad As Sri Lanka?

Sri Lanka Riot External Debt

COVID-19 pandemic, public funds mismanagement and corruption have driven some countries into severe external debts that they were unable to recover from and this saw massive public riots that had driven the politicians involved out of their country. One such example is Sri Lanka where the President of the country had fled the country and the country is in a major riot. Image source: BBC

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Economy 101: The Truth Behind Malaysia’s Chicken Shortage

Fried Chicken Food KFC

When it comes to meat protein, one of the best and healthier ones is sourced from fish and chicken meat but due to overfishing and sometimes weather, fish sold in the market is not cheap. So often we will turn to chicken especially freshly cut ones as the more affordable source for our protein source. Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

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Public Transportation 101: How Easy & Convenient To Use Public Transport Now?

Mini Bus Public Transportation Malaysia Pink

Whilst Malaysia does have a very good and integrated public transportation system, there is something missing to connect the remote and far away suburbs with the main public transportation hubs in the country. The missing link, in my opinion, is the gutsy minibuses that we used to have till the end of the 1990s. Image source: Wikipedia.

Read More »Public Transportation 101: How Easy & Convenient To Use Public Transport Now?