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Health 101

Anything that is related to health, exercise and virus pandemics

Lock Down in Malaysia 2020: Day 9: Deterioration & Painful Extension

lock down

Last Wednesday, the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the country will be placed in total lock down for the next 21 days as his takes step to halt the spread of coronavirus. It did not take long for the Indian police and the military to enforce this lock down order. Image source: NPR.

Not many questions asked, offenders are given the whack of a wooden stick or metal rod. In , we may come to this as well if some Malaysians still don’t adhere to stay at home order.

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Lock Down in Malaysia 2020: Lessons from Italy, China, South Korea & Russia Part 2

Continuing from Part 1 here

lock down

recorded its highest increase of the COVID-19 cases today with 212 cases to a total of 1,518 cases and 14 deaths. As at now, 943 cases or 63% of the cluster was from the gathering at a mosque in Sri Petaling. The tabligh gathering was held late February when Malaysia already got COVID-19 confirmed cases and medical screening have commenced. Image source: MOH

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Lock Down in Malaysia 2020: Lessons from Italy, China, South Korea & Russia Part 1

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The icon of clumsiness, major screw-up and running blind in the country – the Minister telling incorrectly that hot water & acid in stomach can kill the coronavirus. Still wonder why the number of infected cases has shot up after Pakatan Harapan lost power? Image source: SAYS

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Lock Down in Malaysia 2020: Day 4: Stupidity is Public Enemy No 1

lock down

We are into the 4th day of the lock down and by now, I have more or less found a rhythm working from home although the workplace have been far from comfortable. Despite the lock down, the number of confirmed had continued to increase with 1183 cases with 114 recovered and 8 deaths. Not counting the cross-infection cases, 60% of the infection was from the gathering at a mosque in Sri Petaling. Image source: Outbreak MY

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Lockdown in Malaysia 2020: Day 1: Excited to Work From Home

lockdown covid19

As at yesterday and with a nationwide , the country still saw a surge of coronavirus cases to 790 confirmed infections with 2 deaths and only 60 recovered.

The moronic part of the surge in the number of is this – 513 of the 790 confirmed cases (almost 65%) were due to the irresponsible religious gathering – an event where the participants, organisers and their supporters are still in denial mode and missing by the thousands. Image source: Malaysiakini.

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Lock Down in Malaysia 2020: Why Malaysia in Partial Lock Down?

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You know the situation is very serious when a 4D gambling premise that will not close for flood, sun or rain and even New Year is in the end forced to close in a lock down. Image source: Facebook

Although partial lock down still allows some freedom for citizens to buy essential items, it is a restriction nonetheless. Further all non essential business and agencies were required to close down which includes the car workshops. One can just hope that they don’t get a puncture or car breakdown in the 2 weeks of the lock down – there will not be any workshops opened to mend the puncture or repair the car.

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Outbreak 2020: New Coronavirus Infection, Devotees Stupidity and Cow Urine


Although there are other things that have killed more humans than coronavirus, it is not something to be taken lightly – it can turn around and make things even worse. Some called it Karma. Image source: Atheist Republic Facebook

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Outbreak 2020: Dumb Religious Quotes on the Causes of Coronavirus


In the fight to contain flu , many experts argue that washing hand with soap is more effective than using hand sanitizer. This is and not some hunch by someone. Image source: Newsweek

The 2019-nCoV virus situation as at 11th March 2020: 4,615 dead, 67,003 recovered and 125,865 confirmed cases and is increasing. had just officially declared the Coronavirus as a pandemic.

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Outbreak 2020: Novel Coronavirus Situation As At 6th March 2020


The 2019-nCoV situation as at 6th March 2020: 3,348 dead, 55,418 recovered and 98,382 confirmed cases.

Compared to 13th February 2020, the fatality rate as at 6th March 2020 had increased from 2.32% to 3.40% but there were positive news on the recovery rate, it has improved tremendously from 10.87% to 56.33%. The number of confirmed cases in unfortunately had increased to 55 confirmed cases but without any fatality and 28 recovered cases. Image source: The Center for Systems Science and Engineering

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Outbreak 2020: Why We Need Take COVIND-19 Virus Seriously Now?


Whilst we are busy with the drama with our politicians, there has been very disturbing development with COVIND-19 . The above chart shows the estimated impact of the COVIND-19 virus on the growth of global GDPs. Chart source:

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Outbreak 2020: Novel Coronavirus Situation As At 13th February 2020


There has been a huge spike in in recent days. The 2019-nCoV virus (now known as COVID-19) situation as at 13th February 2020: 1,489 dead, 6,984 recovered and 64,268 confirmed cases. Since 8th February 2020, the number of deaths has increased by another 675 deaths.

Compared to 8th February 2020, the fatality rate as of 13th February 2020 had increased from 2.17% to 2.32% but the recovery rate had improved from 7.77% to 10.87%. The number of confirmed cases in unfortunately had also increased from 16 cases to 19 confirmed cases but without any fatality (Singapore also saw an increase from 40 to 58 cases todate). Image source: The Center for Systems Science and Engineering

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Outbreak 2020: Also Use Vanakkam Instead of Hand Shake


The many ways of communicating using our hands – the Western and the Indians of putting both palms together and saying or . The Japanese would just do without any hands by bowing in deep respect. Image source: Wikipedia

Unfortunately since a hand shake needs the touching of the hands, this unfortunately facilitates the human to human transmission. Remember the first Malaysian got coronavirus after some business meeting in Singapore? He may have been hand shaking too many people and somehow got infected with coronavirus instead.

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