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History 101

This category covers posts related to the history

Elections 101: Bersih 2.0, The Wise King’s Response

Agong King Bersih

(The King who presided over the previous Bersih 1.0 is once again have made declaration that should bring the Government and Bersih 2.0 on talking terms again – hopefully. Image source:

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Malaysia 101: Twisted One Sided History In Malaysia?

Until lions have their historians, tales of the hunt shall always glorify the hunters. ~African Proverb

history sejarah malaysia

(I still remember this – the history book that I used when I was young and in school. The content was more balanced then than now where it is structured to show one side of race and religion. Image source: Blues Riders)

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Childhood Memories: Part 22 – The Old Friendly Neighbourhood

Read the series here


(The old neighbourhood – today Institut Megatech stands on its ground and the uncle’s barbershop used to be where Intec College now stands.  The only thing that has not changed in the last 40 years is the Shell Petrol Station. It has been there as far as I can remember.  It is a big surprise to see the houses that used to stand between the main road and the river is no longer there. Image source: Google Map)

Still, remember your very first neighbours or your old neighbourhood from your childhood days?

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National Unity 101: Malaysia’s Chicken & Egg Story

unity malaysia race

(Long before the illusive 1Malaysia came along, Malaysia has already been a multi-racial, multicultural country. We had our differences but we don’t see our fellow Malaysians as threats. Image source:

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