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Water Pollution 2019: Attack on Malaysia’s Water Security

Water Security

This was 6 years ago on index when were in par with South Korea, Japan and Singapore on (capacities to secure enough water for their ). Image source: Recap Asia

With the regular incidents of pollution, will the level of water security will go down the drain and put Malaysia water security at jeopardy?

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National Security 2019: Treat Water Pollution as Terrorist Attack!!


& to consumers is not new – the above was back in October 2016 when it was discovered that a toxic solvent had been dumped into a tributary of a river that flows into the Sungai plant. Earlier this month, the plant was shut down due to “odor “.

On Sept 23, it was closed due to from Sungai Lalang near the Semenyih Hitech area, and a day earlier, it was shut down due to contamination believed to be from an illegal factory along Jalan Sungai Lalang. Image source: The Star

Considering how water pollution is causing hardship to the consumers in this country and the level of punishment is not enough to stop pollution from recurring (and causing supply disruptions), we need to treat all these polluters as terrorists and water pollution in particular as a determined terrorist attack.

Read More »National Security 2019: Treat Water Pollution as Terrorist Attack!!

Technology 101: Fire Bomber – MMEA’s Bombardier CL-415


‘s thick in action – Image source: Bernama & MMEA

We need to buy more of this excellent in the near future – wild fires & man made fires is expected to compound the for many years to come. We need to have the right tools and trained resources to put out the fire before it becomes a national crisis. And given the source of is from Indonesia, they need to have more fire bombers in their inventory.

Read More »Technology 101: Fire Bomber – MMEA’s Bombardier CL-415

Economy 101: Wastage of Taxpayers Money, The Denials

taxpayers matrix no spoon

(Still, remember the “no spoon” scene in The Matrix? Do you understand the meaning of the scene? I had always thought of it as something not real and yet you see it with your own eyes. Same goes for of . Image source: Matrix Fans)

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Being a Mean, Angry Hulk in 2016!


(One of the best scene from the Avengers – Hulk vs a God and guess who won. I watched this scene probably hundred times and I never got bored with it. Image source:

It was “bang” leaving 2015 – we all watched the new Star Wars movie and we all loved it from the start to the end.

But ever since the start of a “new” year, hardly been a time when I was not in an “angry” mode. Don’t get me wrong – I am not angry with anyone in particular but now schools have started and parents rushing to send their kids to school and then rush to work, way too many idiots have sprout out and had made things worse.

Read More »Being a Mean, Angry Hulk in 2016!

Governance 101: Now Anybody Can Fly Free On Taxpayers Money?


(Whether it is a private jet or a public abuse of trust and power – such nonsense cannot be tolerated at any level even for a high ranking politician’s wife. Just because it is approved by the , don’t these who fly have some internal conscience or they are just corrupt to the core? They must be counting their blessings that they are not in China. Cartoon source: Zunar @ Malaysiakini)

Read More »Governance 101: Now Anybody Can Fly Free On Taxpayers Money?

National Security 101: Spotlight on African Menace

africa crime nigerian

(Still, remember the audacity of to fight the local authorities in Mantin? Does it not count as a serious threat to national ? Image source)

Whilst we welcome genuine Africans to come over and get their higher education to better themselves and their country, we do not want criminals in disguise as students to come over and start creating problems and commit serious crimes here. And regrettably, the number of the menace caused by these Africans seems to be on a worrying trend.

Read More »National Security 101: Spotlight on African Menace

Enforcement 101: Ops Sikap, Authorities Should Be Blamed Too 2

mat rempit enforcement menace motorcyclist skinning ops sikap

(What we need in Ops Sikap is more stringent enforcement instead of just enforcement – it is high time the police get tough with hardcore traffic law abusers. Image source:

Update: I guess it is unfair to point the fingers at the alone although they do handle the bulk of the since there are other agencies involved namely who handle licensing & training and JKJR who handle the overall coordination and road -related activities

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Enforcement 101: Ops Sikap, Authorities Should Be Blamed Too

mat rempit enforcement menace motorcyclist skinning ops sikap

(One reason why we need to enforce Ops Sikap – it looks like a plague, idiots on the road without helmet creating a nuisance and endangering others and the worse ones even have young kids on the motorcycle. Image source:

Update: I guess it is unfair to point the fingers at the alone although they do handle the bulk of the since there are other agencies involved namely who handle licensing & training and JKJR who handle the overall coordination and road -related activities

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Enforcement 101: Dumb Motorcyclists, Skinning Them Alive

mat rempit enforcement menace motorcyclist skinning

(The problem with some dumb is that they think that they are invincible especially when they are not wearing any helmets. Initially, I felt the same way too but I recognize that it was nothing but a mirage – unlike those , you have nothing to protect you from serious injuries. That is why I always ride sensibly and with a good measure of protection – proper jacket, gloves and and abiding all the time. Image source: Perak Today)

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Enforcement 101: Quote of Week – Unsafe Cars

“The lack of demand among Malaysians for features is the main reason why many vehicles sold in the country do not meet international

proton saga ancap miros crash test unsafe

(Just how many of the locally made had even passed the basic crash test with flying colours? If you know the answer, then you will know that we been screwed with unsafe cars for a very long time now but the question is who’s’ fault is it? Image source: Miros)

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