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Outbreak 2020: Time to Lock Up Really Stupid People!!

stupid covid19 virus

Seriously, despite the obvious implications, there are still really stupid people out there who not only endanger themselves with their stupidity but also endanger others with massive infections. They have become as dangerous as the COVID19 virus which had killed more than 700,000 people around the world. Don’t they read and watch the news? Are these people just plain stupid? Image source: LifeHack

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Lock Down in Malaysia 2020: Day 4: Stupidity is Public Enemy No 1

lock down

We are into the 4th day of the lock down and by now, I have more or less found a rhythm working from home although the workplace have been far from comfortable. Despite the lock down, the number of confirmed infection had continued to increase with 1183 cases with 114 recovered and 8 deaths. Not counting the cross-infection cases, 60% of the infection was from the tabligh gathering at a mosque in Sri Petaling. Image source: Outbreak MY

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MH370: Time to Reassess the Shortcomings


(Substitute the chill beer, wine and other liquors on a board with locally made, sugar high cendol and a plane is guaranteed not to crash into the sea – so says a joker in Malaysia. Perhaps he is right but then again this is not the right time and the place to say these things. Some people just don’t get it, do they? Image source:

The fate of the missing plane has somehow been determined – more or less. We can only say our deepest condolences to the families of the crew and passengers of MH370 and hope they would find some kind of closure and peace over the lost of their loved ones. MH370 will be remembered.

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