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Clean Elections 101: Is PM Talking Cock?

election cock talking PM language

(With elections around the corner, expect more incidents of talking cock to be sprouting out from the foamy mouth of the many half-past-six politicians around the country and on a more regular basis too. Image source:

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Enforcement 101: When Perak Pakatan Rakyat Defend Criminals

perak speaker pakatan rakyat

(It is already bad for Pakatan Rakyat politicians for already losing the State of Perak no thanks to self-centred frogs, do you want to lose the support of the people too ah? Stop supporting the criminals otherwise, you will never gain the trust of the people. Image source: Malaysiakini)

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Crime 101: Anwar Ibrahim & 40 Reasons Against Sodomy Charges

Anwar Ibrahim Sodomy Pakatan Rakyat Harapan PKR

The sodomy trial against Anwar Ibrahim is still ongoing (update: Anwar was acquitted in 2012) so it is not fair to comment on the charges against Anwar until it has been deliberated and determined in a court of law. image source: Wikipedia.

Read More »Crime 101: Anwar Ibrahim & 40 Reasons Against Sodomy Charges