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Lock Down in Malaysia 2020: Day 9: Deterioration & Painful Extension

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Last Wednesday, the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the country will be placed in total lock down for the next 21 days as his takes step to halt the spread of coronavirus. It did not take long for the Indian police and the to enforce this lock down order. Image source: NPR.

Not many questions asked, offenders are given the whack of a wooden stick or metal rod. In , we may come to this as well if some still don’t adhere to stay at home order.

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Lock Down in Malaysia 2020: Lessons from Italy, China, South Korea & Russia Part 1

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The icon of clumsiness, major screw-up and running blind in the country – the Health Minister telling incorrectly that hot water & acid in stomach can kill the coronavirus. Still wonder why the number of infected cases has shot up after lost power? Image source: SAYS

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Lockdown in Malaysia 2020: Day 1: Excited to Work From Home

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As at yesterday and with a nationwide , the country still saw a surge of coronavirus cases to 790 confirmed infections with 2 deaths and only 60 recovered.

The moronic part of the surge in the number of is this – 513 of the 790 confirmed cases (almost 65%) were due to the irresponsible religious gathering – an event where the participants, organisers and their supporters are still in denial mode and missing by the thousands. Image source: Malaysiakini.

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Lock Down in Malaysia 2020: Why Malaysia in Partial Lock Down?

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You know the situation is very serious when a 4D gambling premise that will not close for flood, sun or rain and even Chinese New Year is in the end forced to close in a lock down. Image source: Facebook

Although partial lock down still allows some freedom for citizens to buy essential items, it is a restriction nonetheless. Further all non essential business and agencies were required to close down which includes the car workshops. One can just hope that they don’t get a puncture or car breakdown in the 2 weeks of the lock down – there will not be any workshops opened to mend the puncture or repair the car.

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Malaysia in Turmoil 2020: Malaysia in Stalemate & Anwar’s Chance is Slim


As far as I am concerned, the dust yet to settle on the recent Malaysian political drama – nothing have settled yet. On paper, no one has a clear majority to take up the lead and be the next Prime Minister. Image source: Bloomberg / Yahoo Finance

It may come down to the end, to the last minute and after plenty of frog jumping, inducements and promises made before the nation decides that we have no choice but to call for elections.

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Malaysia 2020: Attorney General’s 7 Main Factors for Dropping the LTTE Charges


Sri Lanka have seen it’s share of blood and violence starting from the guerrilla warfare by (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam) back in 1983 – a that lasted for almost 26 years and killing almost 150,00 people. Now the country remains under threat with this Easter suicide bombing in April 2019 where about 259 people died by a local militant radical Islamist group linked with ISIS. Image source:

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New Malaysia 2020: The End of Pakatan Harapan & New Malaysia?


Just after winning the last election, saw a change in the political landscape. So with Bersatu’s latest move, will this be the end of & New Malaysia? Image source: TheStar

It does like that this is the case after news were out that Dr M’s party will create new political coalition which includes UMNO, MCA, MIC and PAS. This will basically kicks out DAP, Amanah and PKR (those aligned to Anwar Ibrahim). In other words, it is a betrayal of the people’s mandate back in 2018 where they voted out Barisan Nasional which comprised by the same political parties that Dr M now wants to join.

Read More »New Malaysia 2020: The End of Pakatan Harapan & New Malaysia?

New Malaysia 2020: League of Parliamentarians for Al-Quds & Palestinian


Palestinian problem is not small or easy to resolve and it will continue to be unresolved unless all parties recognise rights of Israel. The same goes to Israel and its allies namely the USA – they need to recognise the rights of the Palestinian people. Source:

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Outbreak 2020: Novel Coronavirus Situation As At 13th February 2020


There has been a huge spike in in recent days. The 2019-nCoV virus (now known as COVID-19) situation as at 13th February 2020: 1,489 dead, 6,984 recovered and 64,268 confirmed cases. Since 8th February 2020, the number of deaths has increased by another 675 deaths.

Compared to 8th February 2020, the fatality rate as of 13th February 2020 had increased from 2.17% to 2.32% but the recovery rate had improved from 7.77% to 10.87%. The number of confirmed cases in unfortunately had also increased from 16 cases to 19 confirmed cases but without any fatality (Singapore also saw an increase from 40 to 58 cases todate). Image source: The Center for Systems Science and Engineering

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Prepping in Malaysia 101: Readying for Devastating Flu Pandemic


Definition of a : a pandemic, simply put, is a disease on a scale. This is different than an epidemic and a simple disease outbreak. An epidemic is when an infectious disease spreads through many people quickly (definition: True Prepper). The above is the scale used in Singapore – image source:

In recent time, the has been grappling with a serious case of flu infections (in we been fighting H1N1 and 2019-nCoV infections), natural disasters, man-made disasters (in Malaysia, water pollution) and massive forest fires. Many people lost their lives, loved ones and their homes.

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Outbreak 2020: Novel Coronavirus Situation As At 5th February 2020


The 2019-nCoV virus situation as at 5th February 2020: 564 dead, 1,124 recovered and 27,619 confirmed cases. Since 3rd February 2020, the number of deaths has increased by another 138 deaths.

Compared to 3rd February 2020, the fatality rate as at 5th February 2020 had continued to reduce from 2.14% to 2.04% and as well as the recovery rate from 3.13% to 4.07%. The number of confirmed cases in unfortunately had increased from 8 cases to 12 confirmed cases but without any fatality. Image source: The Center for Systems Science and Engineering

Read More »Outbreak 2020: Novel Coronavirus Situation As At 5th February 2020