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Middle East

Economy 101: Venezuela – Lessons Learned, Spoon Feeding Failure

Statista Venezuela refugees economy

has the largest oil reserves in the and yet the country is in a major crisis, not only from the aspect of the but also socio-political. It has now become one of the biggest economy refugees with almost 4.5 million of its population leaving the country due to economic hardships. Image source: Statista

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New Malaysia 2020: League of Parliamentarians for Al-Quds & Palestinian


Palestinian problem is not small or easy to resolve and it will continue to be unresolved unless all parties recognise rights of . The same goes to Israel and its allies namely the – they need to recognise the rights of the Palestinian people. Source:

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History 101: World Trade Center, After 911 Tragedy

World Trade Center New York 911

(It may not be the same but the new Trade Center will bring closure and sense of new hopes for New Yorkers and with a memorial in between, keeping the thoughts of those who perished in the forever in our hearts. Photo by Thomas Svensson from Pexels)

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International Mission 101: Clueless Malaysians in Gaza Incident

Israel Gaza Palestine International

(The flotilla of six ships, including the Turkish ferry Mavi Marmara, was on its way from Cyprus to Gaza carrying supplies including cement, paper and water purification tablets that was intercepted by the Israelis. Image source: BBC)

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