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National Security 101: Rohingyaโ€™s Malaysian Gamble – Once In, Cannot Chase Them Out

Rohingya Refugee Boat Sea Intrusion

According to UNHCR, there are about 179,570 refugees and asylum-seekers registered with UNHCR in Malaysia as of the end of May 2021. Out of this rather understated number, there are about 102,950 Rohingyas and this does not include the thousands more that keep sneaking into the country illegally. They already started to become a national headache and a serious threat to our .[Click to read the rest] “National Security 101: Rohingyaโ€™s Malaysian Gamble – Once In, Cannot Chase Them Out”

Outbreak 101: When A Pint of Alcohol is Deadlier Than A Pack of Cigarette

COVID19 Alcohol Beer Smoking Cigarette Poster WHO Health

It has come to a point where if you have an drinker, a cigarette smoker and a person who doesn’t drink or smokes, the last person to be infected would be the alcohol drinker considering how alcohol kills viruses. The smoker on the other hand would probably be the first to be infected considering how COVID19 affects the lungs. Image source: Poster by WHO

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Blogging 101: News Snippets As At 22 December 2020

snippet highland tower landslide

– Highland Tower condominium happened 27 years ago on 11th December 1993 and it was one of the worst tragedies in the country. 48 people died from the said tragedy โ€“ a tragedy that should not have happened. Image source: The Star

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General Knowledge 101: Between Raw Facts and Twisted Facts

facts facebook Hillary

This just proves that there are too many idiots on social media who do not know the facts when they open their mouth to comment on something. This particular comment in the post is one such example where one is talking Edmund Hillary who had climbed the Mount Everest and not the politician Hillary Clinton.

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Governance 101: Illogical Misdirection of Dress Codes

YouTube player

(If you ask me, this is a better video to watch for the first time visitors to and is lovely as usual)

I was flying in to Malaysia just the other day and yes, I was flying on . It was kind of painful to see the good, hard-working people in MAS facing some uncertainty as MAS undergoes a major restructuring. But that did not stopped the stewardess on my flight from ensuring that service was and always first class.

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General 101: Yup, It’s Getting Weirder & Dumb


(Some things are not like the way people like to park their cars, it is just a result of people not taking the time and care to do the right things)

It is getting weird, it must be the insane weather, I am very sure – it has been raining cats & dogs for past weeks and yet it feels like one is sitting in a sauna at night. My daughter fared worse, despite having 2 fans and occasionally the air-conditioner switched on, she was sweating like she had just done a 10 km marathon.

Or perhaps it is something we have been drinking (or sniffing), I don’t know. Perhaps it was due to our overzealous with being the righteous one that some of us can see the end is near. Whatever the reason maybe, things are just getting weirder in this country.

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Religion 101: Hudud – Can We Prioritise on Real Issues?


(Which is more critical and urgent to the rakyat in Kelantan – tabling of a new Islamic that overlaps & duplicates the existing convention laws or reconstruction of homes & lives of people involved in the worst natural disaster that the country have seen? It is not an issue of or but rather an issue of priorities. Source: The Malaysian Insider)

The real question is whether we are prioritizing the right things in this country.

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Religion 101: Hudud – 1 Country, 2 Sets of Laws


( – should Islamic take over precedent over conventional law if the conventional already exist and been applied by the courts of the country? Why not improve on the existing laws and enforce it instead of bringing in another set of law that does not apply to all? Why reinvent the wheel? Cartoon source: The Net)

The issue of hudud have been in the news lately and there have been plenty of statements made in public and by various parties including from both side of the fence, supporting for or opposing the implementation of hudud.

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Random Thoughts 101: Be Outraged But Be Fair Too


(Being outrage on something is not confined to Islam and Muslims alone. Everyone has a right to protest and be angry if anyone belittle and insults one’s beliefs & faith but there must be a sense of reasonableness and fairness too. Have you done the right things and be fair to others? Image source:

Read More »Random Thoughts 101: Be Outraged But Be Fair Too

Religion 101: Muddling Manchester United With Shortsighted Muslims

Manchester United Football Premier League English Red Devils

(The famous ‘s famed Red Devils logo after years of acceptance as a sign of an excellent team in the country has found its way to the mind of a short-sighted religious man. Image source: E Daily Sports)

First, it was the cookies, and then it was on yoga and now the Manchester United’s football shirts? It looks like we have highly paid (with our money) civil servants with too much free time at their disposal.

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Religion 101: Playing Ignorance Of Law Is Not A Defence

Al Islam Religion Law Ignorance

(The magazine’s cocked up story was done after 2 reporters went undercover as Catholics and make a mockery of themselves, the notion of tolerance to other religions and fellow Malaysians and then claimed of the . Image source: Nut Graph)

In law, there is a maxim that states โ€œignorance of the law is not a defenceโ€

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