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Overseas Assignment

Overseas Assignment 2012: Myanmar Adventure Part 3 – Terrible Food Poisoning

Myanmar Food Poison

This will be the final part of the series where it all went wrong for me in and for something I dreaded from the beginning of the trip and whenever I am away from the comfort of home – food poisoning. To be frank, one cannot run away from an upset stomach when namely due to hygiene and methods which will be different from what one has at home.

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Overseas Assignment 2012: Myanmar Adventure Part 1 – Landing In Secret Burma

Myanmar Tamil Malaya Burma Death Railway History

or as it is known now is always remembered for Burma’s Death Railway in War 2 where it is said in total 62,000 POWs was forced to work on the death railway by the Japanese and almost 13,000 of them had died.

The image shows the Malaysian Tamils who were forced from their homes in then Malaya working on the construction of the death railway and who suffered worst than the Allied POWs with out of some 100,000 who was forced to , 60,000 died. Image source: Wikipedia / Malya Thamizhar Sarithiram ISBN: 978812342548.

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World Affairs 101: The Great Tragic Loss of Beautiful Kabul to Taliban

Taliban Afghanistan Kabul Islamic Lashes

This happened as recent as April 2020 where the decided and lashed out 40 lashes at a helpless woman whose crime is only talking to a young man on the phone. And suddenly some like Hadi Awang decided that the Taliban have changed for the better. Image source: The Observers.

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Kingdom of Cambodia 2020: Part 1, Hurdling Tough And Strict Red Tapes

Royal Palace Cambodia Phnom Penh Travel

They say the show must go on and so it is when it comes to   – this time is the work overseas assignment in which is also known as the Kingdom of Wonders. This would be probably my 10th trip to the country. Image of The Royal in Cambodia, Phnom Penh, source: All Free Photos

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On A Critical & Tense Tour of Duty, Again

tour of duty

(Another tour of duty – caught this shot with my phone on the way for an trip. Somehow I had the dread thoughts of MH370 but all ended well when nothing out of the ordinary happened and we landed safely)

Firstly sorry for missing out on the regular posts for past 2 weeks. You see, it is the time of the year when I clean up my drawers in the office, prepare the monthly for my wife, hunt for new clothes / shoes and prepare myself for a painful good-byes to my kids (my precious ones in an eerie Gollum voice).

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Overseas Assignment 2009: Bored Trip to Brunei – Part 3: Tourism Spots

Brunei Water Village

(Fancy a visit to the famous water village in which is said to be in existence for more than 500 years? I asked my good host what one can do once we have taken the boat and crossed over to the village. His only reply was “nothing”)

Continuing from Part 2, it is said that 97% of Brunei’s income comes from the oil & gas industry. It is, therefore, is not a big surprise that there seems to be a lack of tourism spots and opportunities in the city.

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Overseas Assignment 2009: Bored Trip to Brunei – Part 1: First Impressions

KLIA Airport Brunei Flight

The start of my trip to was not without its dramatic moment and it started right in the KLIA terminal. Clearly, it was not a good start considering an incident that happened at the .

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Food 101: Great Maggi Instant Noodles, Life Saviour Dinner Dish

Maggi Mee Instant Dinner Food

noodles can be classified as the Malaysian dish as an instant, hot that you can quickly cook over by just adding hot water and is a life saviour when you are away on an project and you are hungry at night. Image Source: Lazada

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Overseas Assignment 2007: Flying into Dangerous Kabul Again?


This is what was going in my mind now as I am sitting in my office on a Saturday night, pondering over an issue that my colleague in Kabul have just sent me over the email. Image source: Politico Magazine

The matter was not on the issue but more disturbing was another email  – from the client’s CEO to my big boss requesting me to be assigned to to help out on the system. Flattering I must say that the client’s CEO added the word “competent staff” but as much as I wanted to go, there are other factors running through my mine now.

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Tech News 101: Brand New Laptop, To Buy Or Not To Buy

Dell Inspiron 1501 Buy Laptop

To buy or not to buy a brand new when the company already provided me with a good laptop – that is the question which been running through my mind for the past few days. Image source: Notebook Check

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