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Elections 101: Pakatan Selangor’s Fine Past Records & Great Promises

Flood Sri Muda Boy Selangor

One of the major disasters that hit the state of was the 2021 flood that hit Sri Muda & the surrounding areas that saw some amazing efforts by everyone to provide food, medical care and in some cases, evacuation to the affected residents including this brave boy who had to wade deep waters just to get food for his family. Image source: Twitter@sadiqasyraf

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Personal 101: Mystery Water Leak & The Living Room Got Flooded Heavily

Water leak disruption tap dry Selangor Bunker

leaking in the can be a nightmare for anyone and personally, we have experienced water leaks in the past before and this was mainly from the rooftop water tank which we end up having to replace twice & one was from rainwater through gaps between roof tiles. Waterproofing the main areas of the bathrooms will be the next project at . Photo by PS Photography from Pexels.  

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Know Your Car Basics 101: Faulty Dumb Car Keys, Almost End Spending RM950!

Car Key Mercedes

Unlike in the olden days, modern car keys are sensitive, high-tech with many functions, and unfortunately not cheap when it comes to getting replaced or serviced. At times, it is a nightmare as the car cannot be started without a working car key & the electronics inside. Image source: Pexel /Mike B

Read More »Know Your Car Basics 101: Faulty Dumb Car Keys, Almost End Spending RM950!

Technology 101: The Headache of Having Multiple e-Wallet Apps

e-wallet credit card banking bank online financial

In today’s world, one cannot escape from performing financial transactions through the internet, e-wallets or pre-paid cards. We have become a cashless society considering the high of carrying cash around and the ease of performing financial transactions using online and apps. Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

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Economy 101: Best of Ferengi’s Rules of Acquisition

ferengi rules of acquisition economy business

Before I started watching Deep Nine over Netflix, the Ferengi must have been one of the ugliest, most snobbish and profit-minded alien race in the Star Trek universe. But then watching Quark in Star Trek Deep Space Nine gave another interesting perspective on the Ferengis. Image source: Star

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Customer Service 101: Here’s Your Beef Pizza


(BF on the list does not mean chicken, I am very sure of it but the staff insisted it is chicken. It may not look like much but add the and the tax and soon to be GST, may not be a cheap thing. Having the mixing your order is just rubbing the salt on your wounds)

Dear, that looks like , my wife told me as the placed the pizza on the table…

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Customer Service 101: When Service Really Sucks!

customer service

(I have walked off from restaurants couple of times before when there was no service or when my orders delivered late but it was a bit hard difficult to do the same when you have a family in tow. Image source:

Don’t mind me, it has been sometime since I bitched about at a or is it is because it is the weekend again.… [Click to read the rest] “Customer Service 101: When Service Really Sucks!”