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Project Management 101: India’s Impressive Operation Ganga in Ukraine

India Indian Ukraine Russia War Conflict Map

The Ukraine crisis with Russia has been ongoing since 2014 but the full military action by Russia only happened on 21st February 2022 and this forced a huge refugee crisis and forced all other countries like India & Malaysia to quickly evacuate their citizens & staff from Ukraine before it becomes too late. Image source: Al Jazeera

Read More »Project Management 101: India’s Impressive Operation Ganga in Ukraine

Economy 101: Is This Why Cooking Oil Price Insanely High in Malaysia?

Palm Oil Cooking Forbes Graph

We use palm cooking oil as the mainstream cooking oil as it is the obvious option and can easily get it as Malaysia is one of the largest exporters of palm oil in the world after neighbouring Indonesia. Of course, if one has the money, they can opt for the more expensive imported vegetable oils like canola or olive oil. Chart source: Forbes / Statista

Read More »Economy 101: Is This Why Cooking Oil Price Insanely High in Malaysia?

MH17 Tragedy 2014: Oh My God, Not Another Tragedy!

mh17 MAS tragedy

(What’s left of MH17 – a tragedy that should not have happened in the first place. Image source: BBC)

I did not believe when I first heard about it. It can’t be true. Someone must have made a mistake. Then the news started to trickle in. It was all gloomy and the outcome did not look well.

Read More »MH17 Tragedy 2014: Oh My God, Not Another Tragedy!