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Technology 101: Breaking Down The Bad Facts On MySejahtera App

COVID19 vaccination movenpick malaysia MySejahtera

One of the positive outcomes of the is the development and improvement of pandemic from rolling out of the vaccines, procedures and close contact tracing using the MySejahtera app.

And thanks to these action plans, our front-liners were not overwhelmed by the number of severe cases and we were able to recover from strict lockdowns and a high number of cases.

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Outbreak 2022: Finally Getting Infected With Deadly COVID19 Virus

COVID19 Political Gathering

I always find it illogical for to organise large political gatherings when the number of cases shoots through the sky but you cannot have large gatherings in fear of COVID19 infections. So which is which? Image source: Gazette / Twitter.

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Outbreak 2021: I Finally Got My First COVID19 Vaccination Done

vaccine vaccination COVID19

It is said that as of 17th July , based on the progress around the world, it is estimated that 1 billion people has been full vaccinated whilst 1.04 billion people have been partially vaccinated. One of the plus points in recent days is that is leading on the number of daily doses administrated per 100 people. Chart source: Our World In Data / Mathieu, E., Ritchie, H., Ortiz-Ospina, E. et al

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Outbreak 101: When A Pint of Alcohol is Deadlier Than A Pack of Cigarette

COVID19 Alcohol Beer Smoking Cigarette Poster WHO Health

It has come to a point where if you have an drinker, a cigarette smoker and a person doesn’t drink or smokes, the last person to be infected would be the alcohol drinker considering how alcohol kills viruses. The smoker on the other hand would probably be the first to be infected considering how affects the lungs. Image source: Poster by WHO

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Outbreak 2021: State of Selangor – Absurd High Virus Infection, Low Vaccination Rates

COVID19 MCO Selangor Infection

Today recorded 6,075 new infections, with 2,251 of the cases was from the State of which had continued to be the state with the highest number of cases for the last few months. source: Malay Mail.

It is said that there is a sudden increase in the number of cases due to the Selangor State ‘s initiation to open numerous testing centres in the state.

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Lockdown 2021: MCO 3.0 – Will It Be Effective Reducing COVID19 Cases?

COVID19 Lockdown MCO Malaysia Health

As of 11th May , saw 3,807 new cases with 3.454 cases recovered and 17 deaths. On the first day of 3.0, the number went up to 4,765 new infections and 39 deaths. In total, we had 1,761 died from todate. Image source: MOH

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Outbreak 2021: Comparing Covid-19 Vaccines Based on Efficacy Number

Efficacy Vaccine COVID19 Outbreak

The from Pfizer & BioNTech remains the vaccine with the highest to date and mostly ordered by Governments around the world for the first phase of vaccinations for their front liners. source: Statista

It makes a lot of sense that for a major like should not come from only one source. That is why most countries are looking at a cocktail of different vaccines from different manufacturers. In , we are also looking at the different types of vaccines; spread over 3 main phases lasting till April 2022.

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Outbreak 2021: Part 2 Unexpected COVID19 Scare At The Office

COVID19 Alex

Continuing from Part 1 where one of my colleague got , the good news is he and his wife were got discharged from the after got clearance from the doctor. He shared his experience and the nightmare of being infected with COVID19.

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Lock Down in Malaysia 2020: Lessons from Italy, China, South Korea & Russia Part 2

Continuing from Part 1 here

lock down

recorded its highest increase of the COVID-19 cases today with 212 cases to a total of 1,518 cases and 14 deaths. As at now, 943 cases or 63% of the cluster was from the gathering at a mosque in Sri Petaling. The tabligh gathering was held late February when Malaysia already got COVID-19 confirmed cases and screening have commenced. Image source: MOH

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Outbreak 2020: Novel Coronavirus Situation As At 13th February 2020


There has been a huge spike in in recent days. The 2019-nCoV virus (now known as COVID-19) situation as at 13th February 2020: 1,489 dead, 6,984 recovered and 64,268 confirmed cases. Since 8th February 2020, the number of deaths has increased by another 675 deaths.

Compared to 8th February 2020, the fatality rate as of 13th February 2020 had increased from 2.17% to 2.32% but the recovery rate had improved from 7.77% to 10.87%. The number of confirmed cases in unfortunately had also increased from 16 cases to 19 confirmed cases but without any fatality (Singapore also saw an increase from 40 to 58 cases todate). Image source: The Center for Systems Science and Engineering

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Nuisance 101: Damn, I Hate Cats! They Are So Evil!

WARNING: Cat lovers, walk away right now…you may not like this post. You have been warned!


(Cats are evil indeed – something in their eyes when they stare at you when you trying to chase it away from your home. Image source:

One of the joys of moving a new house many years ago was the chance to do up a garden.

It was a joy because we used to stay in apartments which do not enough space for a garden (I mean a proper garden where we can dig in and plant things). So when I had the chance to buy a house of my own, I had great ideas on what I wanted to do with my garden, starting with beautiful carpet grass.

And when my dad retired and looking for a hobby to spend his time at home, he took up gardening. And he was good at it too – a mango tree at the front, several types of flowering plants and he would spend hours running through the carpet grass to look for weeds. At one point, carpet grass was clean and trimmed and was wonderful to walk on.

And then evil descended at my

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