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Lock Down in Malaysia 2020: Lessons from Italy, China, South Korea & Russia Part 2

Continuing from Part 1 here

lock down

Malaysia recorded its highest increase of the COVID-19 cases today with 212 cases to a total of 1,518 cases and 14 deaths. As at now, 943 cases or 63% of the infection cluster was from the tabligh gathering at a mosque in Sri Petaling. The tabligh gathering was held late February when Malaysia already got COVID-19 confirmed cases and medical screening have commenced. Image source: MOH

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Outbreak 2020: Novel Coronavirus Situation As At 13th February 2020


There has been a huge spike in virus infection in recent days. The 2019-nCoV virus (now known as COVID-19) situation as at 13th February 2020: 1,489 dead, 6,984 recovered and 64,268 confirmed cases. Since 8th February 2020, the number of deaths has increased by another 675 deaths.

Compared to 8th February 2020, the fatality rate as of 13th February 2020 had increased from 2.17% to 2.32% but the recovery rate had improved from 7.77% to 10.87%. The number of confirmed cases in Malaysia unfortunately had also increased from 16 cases to 19 confirmed cases but without any fatality (Singapore also saw an increase from 40 to 58 cases todate). Image source: The Center for Systems Science and Engineering

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Nuisance 101: Damn, I Hate Cats! They Are So Evil!

WARNING: Cat lovers, walk away right now…you may not like this post. You have been warned!


(Cats are evil indeed – something in their eyes when they stare at you when you trying to chase it away from your home. Image source:

One of the joys of moving a new house many years ago was the chance to do up a garden.

It was a joy because we used to stay in apartments which do not enough space for a garden (I mean a proper garden where we can dig in and plant things). So when I had the chance to buy a house of my own, I had great ideas on what I wanted to do with my garden, starting with beautiful carpet grass.

And when my dad retired and looking for a hobby to spend his time at home, he took up gardening. And he was good at it too – a mango tree at the front, several types of flowering plants and he would spend hours running through the carpet grass to look for weeds. At one point, carpet grass was clean and trimmed and was wonderful to walk on.

And then evil descended at my neighbourhood…

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