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Outbreak 2021: Comparing Covid-19 Vaccines Based on Efficacy Number

Efficacy Vaccine COVID19 Outbreak

The vaccine from Pfizer & BioNTech remains the vaccine with the highest efficacy to date and mostly ordered by Governments around the world for the first phase of vaccinations for their front liners. Infographic source: Statista

It makes a lot of sense that vaccination for a major pandemic like COVID19 should not come from only one source. That is why most countries are looking at a cocktail of different vaccines from different manufacturers. In Malaysia, we are also looking at the different types of vaccines; spread over 3 main phases lasting till April 2022.

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Outbreak 2021: Part 2 Unexpected COVID19 Scare At The Office

COVID19 Alex

Continuing from Part 1 where one of my colleague who got COVID19 infection, the good news is he and his wife were got discharged from the hospital after got clearance from the doctor. He shared his experience and the nightmare of being infected with COVID19.

Read More »Outbreak 2021: Part 2 Unexpected COVID19 Scare At The Office