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This is a good business in India…

This will be my 183rd post for 2005 (last one for the year)…

Any aspiring businessman should look at this business – providing public service in . For simple reason, it seems like there is not enough buses to go around (all pictures taken by my sister when she went to India for a tour)

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(Sardine packed “school bus” – schoolchildren going to school on an Auto.
[Click to read the rest] “This is a good business in India…”

Local Authority: Nothing is perfect but sometimes…

(I had to read it twice to believe it – an actual acknowledgement from ?)

In a time where the local authorities are being called various names like secret society, unfair and high-handed, I thought my on the blocked drainage near my residential area to MPSJ would fall into deaf ears or be acted on after a long delay.
[Click to read the rest] “Local Authority: Nothing is perfect but sometimes…”

Foot in the mouth – Malaysian recent examples

(Malaysia Boleh Juga!– Picture source:
I am back from my leave and the first thing that crossed my mind when I opened today’s papers is that Malaysian surely know on how to make a fool of themselves

Let’s start with Datuk M.

The PPP president is arguing that politicians were “playing safe” by not speaking up on corruption in these councils.

[Click to read the rest] “Foot in the mouth – Malaysian recent examples”

December – a very unproductive month


(A pick-up truck is faster than a racing car? Sometimes it feels that way in especially if you are the racing car. Cartoon source: – copyright by Mike Smith)

For me, the month of December is not a productive month.

Firstly, this is the time where everyone suddenly “discovers” how many leave they have and go for extended leave to avoid the balance of the leave from being forfeited.

[Click to read the rest] “December – a very unproductive month”

The unexpected “Christmas Gift” from MAS to “MAS”


( in the good old days when we were proud call it as our national carrier – Picture source:
Christmas was early in MAS; at least it was in the MAS Chairman’s office with a gift of RM1.5 million worth paintings to adorn his office walls

At times when MAS is increasing it’s airfare due to escalating expenses and keep posting huge losses, the last thing that we would expected from them is a RM1.5 million expenditure for some paintings.

[Click to read the rest] “The unexpected “Christmas Gift” from MAS to “MAS””

My Top 6 Steps for the Beauty Of Motorcycling


(Honda CBR600RR used to be my dream bike ever since I saw it for the 1st time in an UK magazine. However the nearest Honda that I could ride on was the classic, low powered Honda Cub. Picture source: Wikipedia )

Aren’t you just amazed on how someone can balance themselves on 2 wheels at 90 km/h?

Ya, there is the law of physics and all that but really, try sitting on a bike and take the feet up. Unless you already know use the bicycle, the chances are you will be leaning to one side and fall.I used to love motorcycling – when I was riding on one. These days, I just hate them – the riders, not the machine. There have been few close calls between them and me.

My brother & my cousin is still riding a bike to work and I am praying for the day when they can finally sell off their bikes & drive a car. It is less adventurous but to some degree, safer.

Read More »My Top 6 Steps for the Beauty Of Motorcycling

Gambling – only at 4D shops?

(This is extreme case of – cartoon source:

I was at my neighbourhood 4D shop yesterday – I rather call it “investing”So there I was patiently waiting in line to purchase the numbers when I overhead 2 Indonesians talking to each other. It was an interesting conversation (translated into “Manglish” for convenience sake):-

Indon 1: Isn’t gambling forbidden in Islam?… [Click to read the rest] “Gambling – only at 4D shops?”

Want to be first class sportsmen? Don’t train in Malaysia!

( congratulating Nicol – to have the right sense not to train in Malaysia? And who is that in the middle? Picture source: The Star)

Najib should be our Sports Minister. No, I am serious. He should be since he made 2 valid points about sports excellence in Malaysia.

The first was in February when Najib said that Malaysia did Vijay Singh a big favor by not granting him permanent residence.… [Click to read the rest] “Want to be first class sportsmen? Don’t train in Malaysia!”

Tech News 101: My 10 Golden Rules On Computing

computer computing laptop

(Definition of computing is an act of operating & using a and I guess soon the word “act” maybe need to replaced with the word “art”.Glasbergen’s cartoon says it all. Cartoon source:

Read More »Tech News 101: My 10 Golden Rules On Computing