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July 25, 2005

Movie Review: War of the Worlds 2005, Good But Disappointed for Wrong Reasons

world of the worlds movie

of the worlds is a classic story by H.G. Wells (mind you, it came out in 1898!) but how much difference that can make in his remake movie in 2005? That was the thought running through my mind when I saw the movie showing at my local theatre. Image source:

After hearing about the movie and seeing that it got an “A” rating in The Star, I and my wife set aside our Sunday to see the movie.

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Makeup for men

I went to Tesco last week and my wife stopped to buy facial cream. I was glancing through the products and surprisingly there are more grooming products for men now compared to 10 years ago.

How things have changed. I still remember of the time when I was still riding motorbike to work, I actually had 2 types of facial wash (one is a backup lor) in my bag.

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