July 2006
Sports 101: Malaysian Football – Lessons Learned?
(Malaysian “Spiderman” – The late R Arumugam in action in the 80’s. Picture source: www.malaysiantoday.com.my)
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Indian Wedding 101: Colorful & Exciting Indian Wedding Part 2
In Indian weddings, the bridegroom’s headgear, known as the pagdi or safa, is a symbol of honor and respect. It is a key element of the groom’s attire, reflecting the cultural heritage of the region. The pagdi is often associated with royalty and nobility, and wearing it signifies the groom’s central role in the ceremony. Different regions in India have their own unique styles of pagdi, each with its own cultural significance and history. Image source: Viresh Studio/Pexels
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Environment 101: MM Hotline: Not answering the question
(Wondering what this is doing in this post? Read further down – photo from The Malay Mail)
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