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January 2007

Book Review 101: Louis Fischer’s Engaging Read – The Life of Mahatma Gandhi

mahatma gandhi louis fisher history

(Mahatma Gandhi – One short heavy stuff but don’t mind me, I am just having a fever – I can, in fact, write weird stuff. Image source: Wikipedia)

Gandhi – I recall “meeting” him for the first time in my grandpa’s house back in the 70s. He was up on the wall with a golden frame. My grandpa must have had the greatest respect for this old man with frame spectacles. At my age then, I use to think that the old man in the photo was my great, great grandfather.

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I am having one heck of fever right now and it gets worse when one is sitting in an office where the air-conditioner is opened at the maximum. Luckily I had the day off yesterday and managed to catch up on some rest. But sitting under the air-conditioner today, the so-called yesterday’s rest hardly made any positive impact.… [Click to read the rest] “Fever!”