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January 2007

Movie Review 101: Star Wars 1977: The Force is Strong with This One

star wars

(Star Wars: New Hope – probably the greatest movie that came out to capture everyone’s imagination and left a deep impression of their life. Picture source: IMDB)

In a galaxy far, far away…

The Star Movie channel over Astro been showing all the movies in the Star Wars trilogy and last Sunday was the screening of Episode IV (Episodes V & VI will be shown in this week and thereafter). This is not the first time I am watching all the 6 movies – I probably have watched Episode IV about 20 times (or more!) and the rest between 10 – 15 times – ya, I am one crazy Star Wars fan. But despite that, it still feels exciting whenever I see on screen a Jedi fights with a light saber or R2D2 arguing with C3PO – the “Force” has made a strong impact on many of us.

The first Star Wars movie (Episode IV) came out in 1977 at the time when I was just 4 years old – too young to understand what the “Force” means.

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Pak Lah – the Trailblazer?

Somehow this was foreseen – Pak Lah or his cronies (and the leeches) must be getting really desperate.

Out of the blue when some of us have almost forgotten the name of our PM, the newspapers spins up new stories to remind us. There is a time to “kipas” someone and there is a time to stand up when things are not done right (kipas = a Malay word used for apple polishing).… [Click to read the rest] “Pak Lah – the Trailblazer?”

New Year Resolution

(My son will likely to be going to kindergarten next year – so, this year; we need to do a lot of training for him)

Last year, I made only one New Year resolution – which is to make a proper New Year Resolution this year. I did not write it down anywhere but had it in my mind when I saw others blog and bragged about their own New Year resolutions.… [Click to read the rest] “New Year Resolution”