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Movie Review: The Historical Lost City 2005

The Lost City Andy Garcia Movie

If one is surprised with singing and playing the guitar in the movie “Walk the Line”, one will get more surprised to note that is also music director for his movie “The Lost City”. Image source: Newsletter

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Law 101: Do We Accept Morally Wrong, Legally Clean Act?

nazri aziz politician morally

(Morally wrong is ok no matter how serious it is! says the Minister in Parliament)

Remember the quote – “it looks like me, it sounds like me but it is not me” from a character called VK Lingam? Well, there are no limits to what Malaysian politicians can do to stop such stupid statements.

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Movie Review: Walk the Line 2005

walk the line movie

Over the weekends, I watched two movies back to back – one was “The Lost City” starring and directed by and another was “Walk the Line” starring . Image source: IMDB

I have heard about but never bothered to listen to his songs – I guess it is an oldie for me but the movie “Walk the Line” changed my whole perception about the man and the music from the ’60s onwards.

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Fantastic Trip to Iran 2009: No Internet Access!

iran day access

Last Wednesday marked the 30th anniversary of ‘s storming of the American Embassy in Tehran and taking 52 people as hostages for 444 days. Apparently, this event is celebrated on a yearly basis in Iran. However this year, such ‘celebration’ was also used by the oppositions here to against the ruling party. Image source: Britannica

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Fantastic Trip to Iran 2009: Time To Be A DIY Chef

chef food noodles iran

(If I am trying to be a chef, the easiest dish to do would be noodles. One of the ‘local’ instant noodles on sale here but compared to and despite both take the same 3 minutes to cook, it was rather bland and tasteless)

If there is one thing that brings the ‘chef in me’ when I am abroad, it is learning to be independent in the kitchen – independent in the sense of ability to cook something for dinner. As every Malaysians would know, one of the lifelines for times like this is Instant Noodles.

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Fantastic Trip to Iran 2009: Fine Persian Dining in Tehran

iran food tehran

The Iranian shopkeeper near to our Tehran apartment often hear me saying “Morq…morq….” and he would laugh. Morq is one of the few words that I know to communicate when we are hunting for our sundry for a cookout at the apartment. By the way, Morq means in and one need to know this so that one doesn’t end up getting beef or mutton or unknown meat for food.

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Fantastic Trip to Iran 2009: Deepavali Abroad

iran deepavali sunset

Photo of the sunset reflected off the window of our apartment on the week. The dust is a major irritation here.

I can’t recall but this is probably the third time I am celebrating Deepavali far from home and family

The first year I did that was quite painful especially when my son had just born and it supposes to be the first year to celebrate it as one family. But work assignment and professional commitment took priority and we had to postpone our celebrations after I came back from abroad. Deepavali was a gloomy day on both ends.

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Fantastic Trip to Iran 2009: Mega Traffic Jam in Tehran

iran tehran traffic

If there is one thing that catches ones’ eyes in Tehran would be the usual massive traffic jam.

The motorists here use more of their horns and brakes to move along the morning traffic jam. In between, we have motorcyclists whom many do not wear a helmet and pedestrians crossing the road without any apprehension. When one is walking and crossing in , one need to look left, right, front and back because you will never know when a fast car can drive towards you.

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Fantastic Trip to Iran 2009: The Eagle Have Landed

iran boeing 747 tehran

Despite the age of the Iran Air’s Jumbo, the landing in ‘s newest international airport was surprisingly very smooth but even so, almost everyone clapped when the plane safely landed and that got us worried (clapping means the landing is not smooth most of the time?).

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National Security 2009: Don’t Take Snatch Crime As Petty

crime comic snatch ATM

If Malaysian politicians are in the limelight on the issue of copyright of food, here is one that is seemed to be tied up with Malaysia – snatch thief (the other is Mat Rempit). The ugly side of this is making headlines once again. Cartoon by Kher Cheng Guan/TheStar

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