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October 2010

Party Elections 101: Yes, It Is Messy, Dirty But Necessary

PKR Parti Keadilan Rakyat Election

(PKR cannot be a one-man-show. At end of the day, it has to rely on committees, rules and procedures. Dr Molly Cheah now heads a nine-member central election committee — made up of ordinary members — who will oversee the party’s first-ever direct elections. Image source: Wikipedia)

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Tech News 101: Time To Play Linux Again

linux ubuntu

(It is reputed that 2% of the computers in the world runs on Linux distro Ubuntu – a free and open-source OS that stands on its own against Windows-based OS and 90% of the supercomputers in the world runs on Linux. Image source:

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Childhood Memories: Part 22 – The Old Friendly Neighbourhood

Read the series here


(The old neighbourhood – today Institut Megatech stands on its ground and the uncle’s barbershop used to be where Intec College now stands.  The only thing that has not changed in the last 40 years is the Shell Petrol Station. It has been there as far as I can remember.  It is a big surprise to see the houses that used to stand between the main road and the river is no longer there. Image source: Google Map)

Still, remember your very first neighbours or your old neighbourhood from your childhood days?

Read More »Childhood Memories: Part 22 – The Old Friendly Neighbourhood