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Technology 101: Unsecured Website Astro Now Secured

astro website security

(Validation through email, SMS and PIN number – I really did not expect that from Astro after the earlier snub but then again, it is a welcome change)

A couple of years ago, I highlighted just how unsecured some of the popular websites are and one of them was Astro. I did write to them officially but the response was lukewarm (almost patronizing from the webmasters).

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Food 101: The Chaos Of Organising A Departmental Lunch

departmental lunch food tray

Sometimes, organizing a departmental lunch can be more complex than implementing a full-scale project. On the other hand, sometimes it is easier if it is cheap, healthy, tasty and a standard menu tied to it. Image source:

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Technology 101: Finding The Safest Airplane Seat

airplane seat safest

(Chances of survival in case of a crash – pick your seats wisely – it may even keep you alive in the unlikely situation. Note the irony of things – you pay more for Business Class but your chances of survival are even slimmer. Photo by Sourav Mishra from Pexels)

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Driving Skills 101: Stopping Stupid Pesky Motorcyclists From Our Roads Part 1


(I hate to see the “kid” in between the parents! I start cursing when I see a baby in between them. You think the kid will be well protected when a car hits them at 100 km/h? Poverty is one thing but stupidity is another. Image source: TV Smith’s Malaysia Truly Malaysia)

Ha, almost killed an old man on a bike this morning…

But it is not the first time that I almost killed someone on the road – on daily basis, I had to content with pesky motorcyclists who don’t give a damn when changing lanes without any indicators or without considering the traffic on the other side of the lane and who think that they are the king of the road when driving on the other side of the lane and who turn violent when we horn them to warn them and ride bikes at night without lights.

Read More »Driving Skills 101: Stopping Stupid Pesky Motorcyclists From Our Roads Part 1