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Personal 101: High Time for A Brand New Robust Car

proton personal elegance car

(Looking for a new car, the enhancements for Proton Persona SE, now called Elegance. has the right package for the right price but as a friend with Toyota Vios has told me – it is still a and that itself says a lot on the quality of the end product. Image source: Wikipedia)

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Know Your Car Basics 101: Brake Failed, Scariest Thing in 2011

brake scariest master pump

(Having a faulty brake master pump so early in 2011 is considered the scariest thing of the year. Image source:

The year is proving to be a very interesting year. Earlier this year, we did the craziest thing and last week, it proves to be the scariest.

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Driving Skills 101: Where’s Your Helmet, Stupid?

helmet stupid motorcyclist

(Lawless in or stupidity on the highest level where kids can ride bikes without any license or ? The fatso in the front seems very happy – I wonder how his parents will feel when this fatso is knocked down by a car and his unprotected head cracks open on the hard surface of the road, turning him into a living vegetable for rest of his life? Image source: NST, Rosdan Wahid – 29 Jan )

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Tech News 101: Nokia N8, My Personal First Impressions

symbian nokia OS game nn8

(After many phones over the last few years, this Nokia N8 must be my real smartphone which means a major leap from a traditional phone experience – Image source:

Well, it is not really an but it is cheaper and in some areas, better and certainly a quantum leap over this.

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Kota Bahru Rush 2011: Craziest Thing 2011 – Part 2

kota bahru PAS kelantan

(“Membangun bersama Islam” or translated as “Growth through Islam” was the slogan of the day as we entered the state of Kelantan onwards to Kota Bahru. PAS still holding to the seat of the State Government despite the slow creep of modernization to the State)

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Driving Skills 101: Queue Jumper’s Unnecessary Provocations

provocation queue-jumper

(The “usual” provocations from the queue jumpers at the toll plaza – the traffic moves faster if everyone queues up and wait for their turn. Imagine what happens if one decides to drive between the proper queues and tries to cut in. Before you know it, another line had formed in between the 2 original lines and the traffic comes to a crawl. Image source: Challenging Coaching)

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Kota Bahru Rush 2011: Craziest Thing 2011 – Part 1

kota bahru kelantan malaysia map

(The drive up north to Kota Bahru and back home within the same day would be one of the craziest things I have done for the year . Map source: Google Map)

Confucius says a of a thousand mile starts with a single step. Our journey of a thousand kilometres (well almost) started with the question – can we drive all the way from KL to Kota Bahru and return on the same day?

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Kota Bahru Rush 2011: Craziest Thing 2011 – A Prelude

Kelantan Craziest TripSomething before I start the

The last time I saw an impromptu decision in action was when my Dad decided to take us to when I was still small. We were at home at one moment and suddenly a couple of minutes; we were on the way to Morib where I saw the sea for the first time in my life.… [Click to read the rest] “Kota Bahru Rush 2011: Craziest Thing 2011 – A Prelude”