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Movie Review 101: Love It!! Star Wars The Force Awaken – 5 Stars!!

star wars

(The first of the 3 under Disney – the world of Star Wars have moved on and rebooted with a mix of old and new characters and some dose of the old movies. Poster source:

“A long time ago in a galaxy far far away…”

Those iconic words alone had my heart pumping hard and left me in a trance. The new Star Wars movie is THE movie that both me and my son have been waiting for ever since the rumours of a new Star Wars movie first started on the net a few years ago.

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Devastating Chennai Floods 2015 & Art of Prepping

prepping chennai flood water ration

Let’s talk about prepping which is another key aspect of this blog (the other is how Malaysians drive on the road and of course politics) and on the recent disaster in Chennai, India. Image source:

Read these first:-

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Malaysia 2015: Big Difference Between Leadership vs Managing


It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership. —Nelson Mandela, quote on leading vs managing. Image source: The New York Times

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Crime 101: RM2.6 Billion: It’s the DAP & the Jews, Damn It!!!

DAP 1MDB Jew Mahathir Najib

(Bullshit!!!! The Old Man’s reaction when he heard that some mysterious donors from the Middle East had donated some USD700 million (RM2.6 billion ringgit) into Najib’s personal account and the reason for the donation had been spiraling down into realms of stupidity and absurd. Poster source: Suara Rakyat)

One way or another, I was expecting someone to pull in the Jews into the picture. Doesn’t it been the case whenever things gets screwed big time. I was right and this time they included DAP for the ride as well.

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Malaysia 101: Dr Mahathir – Democracy in Malaysia is Dead


More interesting things, especially on democracy and Malaysia, are taking place on social media and on late nights when I do have the time, I usually spent it surfing through Facebook instead of writing a post for the blog. Another is that I have gone “back to school” and I managed to get one of the certificates that I targeted to get this year. Unfortunately, it is just a start and I have another target to meet in the next few months. So, it is back to doing revisions and the dreaded homework in the coming months. Image: Pinterest

And times are tough and times are not right for one to simply sit back and take things easy. Work too has been piling up over the last few months and the expectations from both in and out of the organisation have been very, very demanding.

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Space 101: A Long, Long Way from Beautiful Pluto


The spacecraft which had reached the planet Pluto (yes, it is a planet now) is now one of the fastest man-made craft with a relative velocity of 49,600 km/h – the record is still held by Voyager 1, currently travelling at 61,720 km/h relative to the Sun. Poster source:

We have passed the half of this year and considering what we have gone through so far, one hopes that the year would end sooner than expected. But before that, when it comes to the topic of science and space, 3 things would have made the year 2015 very sweet indeed.

One would be the NASA spacecraft New Horizons passes by Pluto.

And frankly speaking, Pluto never looked so beautiful before this and with radio signals taking four and a half hours to travel between the spacecraft and Earth, the spacecraft can only transmit data at 1 to 2 Kbps, which means that the transmission of all data (for last 10 years) will require sixteen months (source: Wikipedia).

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