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Prepping in Malaysia 101: Rationing Up Water For the Worst Part 2

prepping water ration malaysia.

prepping water ration malaysia


prepping water ration malaysia

(Some of the quick steps taken the State when the state faced with serious water and ‘s anger over the matter got worse on daily basis. Image source: YB Hannah Yeoh)

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Governance 101: Rukunegara, Things That We Have Forgotten


How do you guys been doing lately? Do you still remember Rukunegara?

The last post I did was way back in early July and I considered that is a very long gap when it comes to blogging. My sincere apologies for missing from the blogosphere. It is not that I had stopped blogging but rather I have been busy – very, very busy indeed on something else.

For last 3 months and hopefully continuing into the coming months, I have spending my weekends rather religiously on activities that makes me achieve my daily target of 10,000 steps on my pedometer, cause me to sweat like hell and drink more than 8 cups of water (well it is more than 4 litres per day). Image source: Android Authority

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Religion 101: Wrong Moves in the Name of Religion Part 1


(Personally I am not a true blue atheist but then again, religion for me is something personal between me and the Supreme Being and not to be imposed forcibly to anyone else. Quote source:

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Residential Association 101: The Dreadful & Inactive Persatuan Penduduk

persatuan RA

(The familiar facade of almost every or in English, Residential Association in residential areas in this country.  But setting this up and running a Persatuan Penduduk on a regular basis is not easy. Image source: TheStar)

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Enforcement 101: Dashcam, Another Great Source for Strict Enforcement

dashcam enforcement driving car

Dashcams are nowadays an essential part of the vehicle these days. Image source: Wikipedia

Let’s start with an interesting video that shows a lack of :-

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The above dashcam video, whilst may seem impressive demonstrates how some morons rather endanger other road users so that they can have cheap thrills on the road. Why they can’t book the racing track for a day and burn rubbers to their heart’s content?

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Parenting 101: All About Good Parenting Part 2

Read first All About Good Part 1 here

For the past few days, if you had not noticed, the weather had not been that good – the day had been rather hazy and the nights has been warm and very sweaty. Can you imagine – I was sweating profusely eventhough I was pouring buckets of cold water onto myself. It was that bad. And as if that was not enough, I caught cold and started to cough and it got worse day by day.

One day I woke up, feeling like someone was sitting on my chest and I could not breathe properly. The chest felt heavy and I did not have a good appetite in the morning as well. I went to see the doctor and after registration, I was waiting for the nurse to call me in to see the doctor.

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Enforcement 101: A Rather Stupid Idea for the Lovable Mat Rempits?

mat rempit enforcement menace

(War on the menace of civilised society, Mat Rempit is on-going – Image source: Perak Today)

I think internally there is a competition among the in this country to come up with the wildest ideas. And the latest one that has hit the headlines is the one that deals with allowing pesky Mat Rempits aka public nuisance to on public streets.

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Event Recalled 2016: When the Car Monkeyed Around In the Year of the Monkey

tire sidewall car

(One good way to damage the sidewalls but modern tires is designed to absorb such sudden shocks. Image source:

Last month – on the month of the – had proved to be a rather very expensive month for me as an owner of a car.

Firstly I accidentally scraped my left back against the kerb and caused a small portion of the tire sidewall to be sliced off. I know for a fact that whilst you can abuse the main tread and still drive safely, the same cannot be said for the . And it was painful because the tire was still new – barely a year since I last changed it. I took it to 2 different tire shops – the first one looked at it and said it was nothing to worry.

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Parenting 101: All About Good Parenting Part 1

Read these first:-

It is a slow start for 2016 when it comes to blogging but on the other side of the spectrum, I am making some positive changes this year when it comes to personal health. All weekends and on alternate week days when I am back from office early, I am spending at least an hour or so playing badminton to keep myself in shape.

My badminton partners are the usual suspects – my kids (when means I get to pick the shuttlecock most of the time, be very patience and be gentle with my returns) and my wife (when I can practice my smashes, ha ha). It is just a start but I still sucks on other things like the food I eat and the amount of sleep I get on daily basis but as they say a journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step, it is a start for the moment.

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The War on Perception: To Win or Lose It!


Perception is the organization, identification, and interpretation of sensory information in order to represent and understand the environment. All perception involves signals in the nervous system, which in turn result from physical or chemical stimulation of the sense organs. For example, vision involves light striking the retina of the eye, smell is mediated by odour molecules, and hearing involves pressure waves. Perception is not the passive receipt of these signals, but is shaped by learning, memory, expectation, and attention (Source: Wikipedia)

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(Interesting and well made advertisements on how not to judge someone / something too quickly. However not all can be subjected to these kind of presumptions – some are to the core)

Last week have been an interesting week…

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Being a Mean, Angry Hulk in 2016!


(One of the best scene from the Avengers – Hulk vs a God and guess who won. I watched this scene probably hundred times and I never got bored with it. Image source:

It was “bang” leaving 2015 – we all watched the new Star Wars movie and we all loved it from the start to the end.

But ever since the start of a “new” year, hardly been a time when I was not in an “angry” mode. Don’t get me wrong – I am not angry with anyone in particular but now have started and parents rushing to send their kids to school and then rush to work, way too many idiots have sprout out and had made things worse.

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