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August 2022

Military 101: Why Often Famous Military Themed Movies Get Military Tactics Wrong?

F-14 Fighter Jet Military Tactic Air Force

When it comes to assets and -themed , you will hardly remember movies like Top Gun as there is nothing much of tactics there except for Tom Cruise and the beautiful shots of F-14 Tomcats facing the Russian MiGs (which are actually Northrop F-5Es in camouflage). Image source: Wikipedia.

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Malaysia 101: Disgraced Ex-Prime Minister, Najib Razak Sent To Prison

Najib Razak SRC Police Prison

It is rather historical to see , at one time one of the most powerful men in the country escorted away to after a long, delayed and tiring case that started back in 2018. It is a weird feeling considering that there is no precedent to see an ex-Prime Minister found guilty and imprisoned for criminal acts. Image source: NST.

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Budgeting 101: Easy Project – Replacing Dead Air Conditioner Electrical Switch

Electrical Diagram

When there is a fault in the systems in the house, it pays greatly to have some background knowledge on using the right tools and what the different colours of the electrical cables mean. Thankfully the electrical semantics at is not so completed when it comes to changing the bulb or adding electrical appliances to an existing setup. Image source: Flickr.

Read More »Budgeting 101: Easy Project – Replacing Dead Air Conditioner Electrical Switch

Environment 101: Climate Change Is Real & Bad News: Europe Is Drying Up

Climate change sea level nature environment Klang Malaysia

As much as many around the world are giving low priority to nature, is real and it has started to cause problems to many all over the world. It is predicted that by the year 2030, the level is expected to increase by 4 feet and 5 feet by the year 2050. By then, a number of coastal areas like Klang marked in red are expected to be under the sea. Map source: Climate Central

Read More »Environment 101: Climate Change Is Real & Bad News: Europe Is Drying Up

Military 101: RMN’s Littoral Costal Ship Design – Big Differences Between Gowind & Sigma Class

RMN Frigate KD Lekiu Jebat Navy Ship

Presently KD Jebat and KD Lekiu are the most capable frigate ships in the Royal Malaysian ‘s fleet with Exocet Block 2 SSM and Wolf SAM and are due to be complemented by the new 6 Maharaja Lela class frigates under the Littoral Coastal Program. Image source: Wikipedia

Read More »Military 101: RMN’s Littoral Costal Ship Design – Big Differences Between Gowind & Sigma Class

National Security 2022: Ex-AG’s And Sulu’s Insane Billion Dollar Claim From Malaysia

Sulu Sabah Philippines

The fact is there has been an attempt by the Philippines to use the ‘s claim that it always owned the state of to lay its claim on the state. Whilst it is a fact that the Sulu Sultanate owned Sabah at one point in , the same cannot be said now. The Sulu Sultanate’s issue now left to be resolved is the outstanding annual payment of RM5,300. Image source: Sabah Kini.

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Tamil Movie Review: Vikram 2022 – Rolex’s Powerful Entry Scene Analysed

Vikram Surya Tamil Movie Rolex

I did a of the 2022 Vikram Tamil movie back in June 2022 but somehow I feel the final scene when the feared drug lord Rolex comes to meet the gang needs further analysis as there are so many things happening in the background. Mind you that Sandhanam played by the brilliant Vijay Sethupathi was so afraid of Rolex that he even killed others without any hesitation. Image source: Times of India.

Read More »Tamil Movie Review: Vikram 2022 – Rolex’s Powerful Entry Scene Analysed