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Project Management 101: Tough Planning For Bicycle Trip From India To Singapore

Youtube video streaming internet bicycle

There are tonnes of useless videos on Youtube but over the years, I have managed to filter down and consolidate a playlist comprised of road trips on motorbikes, urban paranormal adventures, knowledge or analytical based videos and now I got hooked with adventurers who doing long-distance road trips on bicycles. Image Source: Photo by Kon Karampelas on Unsplash

Doing long-distance rides on a is nothing new in Western countries but it is rather rare in these parts of the world where proper touring bicycles are very expensive, the infrastructure and roads are bad and personal safety is a big issue.

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Attitude 101: Avoidable Accidents Happens When No One Gives a Damn

accident facebook pesky motorcyclist

accident facebook pesky motorcyclist

A few days ago, a page called “DashCam Owners Malaysia” for obvious reasons uploaded an video that shows a lady motorcyclist casually crossing several lanes without even looking to her right for the on-coming traffic.

Rightfully and deservingly she was hit by a car causing her to fly and fall in front of the car. See the grab shots from the video – it is clear that she is in great pain after the accident but most of the commentators on Facebook agreed that she well deserved it.

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Childhood Memories: Part 25 – My First And Only Precious Bicycle

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(Long before mountain bicycles, you still remember the BMX madness in the 1990s? Back then I did not know BMX stood for bicycle motocross, instead, I thought it was a brand. I think there should be a rule that all kids should be able to ride a bicycle at least one point of childhood life. Image source:

Read More »Childhood Memories: Part 25 – My First And Only Precious Bicycle