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Know Your Car Basics 101: Faulty Dumb Car Keys, Almost End Spending RM950!

Car Key Mercedes

Unlike in the olden days, modern car keys are sensitive, high-tech with many functions, and unfortunately not cheap when it comes to getting replaced or serviced. At times, it is a nightmare as the car cannot be started without a working car key & the electronics inside. Image source: Pexel /Mike B

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Economy 101: Is This Why Cooking Oil Price Insanely High in Malaysia?

Palm Oil Cooking Forbes Graph

We use palm as the mainstream oil as it is the obvious option and can easily get it as is one of the largest exporters of in the world after neighbouring . Of course, if one has the , they can opt for the more imported vegetable oils like canola or olive oil. Chart source: Forbes / Statista

Read More »Economy 101: Is This Why Cooking Oil Price Insanely High in Malaysia?

The Outraged Nasi Lemak Seller Price

(McD have the both the rice and the but both are priced at a level I would say ridiculous for a . For the same , I can get 3-4 items more on a nasi lemak and still got spare cash for nasi tambah. Image source: McDonalds )

One of the biggest problems that we face during the fasting month is the difficulty to get a good nasi lemak for breakfast. The usual morning nasi lemak stalls are closed for the month.

We can still get the usual nasi lemak from the nearest kedai Mamak (the sorry looking sambal that they splash on the plain rice is the same dumb sambal that they put on the roti canai, so the sambal is nothing special and probably is not fresh too. Same goes for the nuts and the anchovies) but it is not the same with the one that I usually buy from the old Makcik at the road side stall and has a really spicy sambal (you know I hate sweet sambal – read the post here).

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Food 101: The Chaos Of Organising A Departmental Lunch

departmental lunch food tray

Sometimes, organizing a departmental can be more complex than implementing a full-scale project. On the other hand, sometimes it is easier if it is cheap, healthy, tasty and a standard menu tied to it. Image source:

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