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Malaysia 101: Real Diplomats – Saluting Our Country’s Brave Overseas Frontliners

Diplomat Cambodia Airport Special Flight Embassy COVID19

My closest encounters with our Malaysian diplomats were when I managed a project in where the Malaysian staff helped my staff who was stuck in Phnom Penh with special flights due to COVID19 . Image source: Malaysian Embassy Phnom Penh

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Kingdom of Cambodia 2020: Part 2 – Overweight Luggage And Short of Cash

cambodia MAS flight phnom penh

The to started off rather early in the morning with me waking up early and double triple checking everything that I suppose bring along for the long assignment . The kids were deeply asleep but just before I left the house, they were awake to say .

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Blogging 101: When the Active Mind Goes Totally Blank


I did not check but this probably one of the longest mind being blank when it comes to blogging.

Working 7 days a week including working up to 10 at night on the weekdays sure pulls the energy from the mind. Somehow, I still force myself before the mind goes to sleep to take a late-night shower (I have tried but I could not bring myself to bed without a shower…it simply feels too “sticky”) and sometimes put the clothes for washing.

Then it is off to the bed and wake up again at about 6.30 am (without an alarm) after the alarm goes off at 5.45 am, 5.50 am and 6.00 am (I am rarely aware of the time I switch off the alarm on 3 separate occasions).

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Governance 101: Overseas Malaysians’ Home Calling!

home calling malaysia

(Calling overseas Malaysians back home acknowledges the fact that there is a brain drain is one thing BUT taking the right steps to stop them from leaving in the first place is a whole different ball game. Can the Government do it? Image source:

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Personal 101: Unhappy Goodbye, Daddy, Please Do Not Go!

Daddy Children Sad Feeling Goodbye

I am pretty sure this happens to all the fathers out there when they are saying goodbyes to their loved ones, especially their . Seriously it is very difficult to say NO to the at . Image source: Pexel / Mikhail Nilov

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Overseas Assignment 2007: Flying into Dangerous Kabul Again?


This is what was going in my mind now as I am sitting in my office on a Saturday night, pondering over an issue that my colleague in Kabul have just sent me over the email. Image source: Politico Magazine

The matter was not on the issue but more disturbing was another email  – from the client’s CEO to my requesting me to be assigned to to help out on the system. Flattering I must say that the client’s CEO added the word “competent staff” but as much as I wanted to go, there are other factors running through my mine now.

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