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Military 101: Professional Military Need Strategic Assets, Not Farm Lands

Sukhoi 30 MKK Electronic Warfare Military Russia

As China and other countries in the region keep upgrading their defence and offence assets such as this Sukhoi-30-based dedicated electronic warfare fighter (known as Shenyang J-16D), needs to ensure that its existing defence assets are upgraded in par to keep up its effectiveness and also work with other countries like India who are facing the same threats. Image source: Defense News

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Prepping 101: Doomsday Bunker – Part 4: Waste Management And Disposal & Clean Fresh Air Supply

Bunker NBC Air Filtration Doomsday

This will be the last post on the and will be touching one of the key components of a doomsday bunker which is clean air ventilation. The ventilation needs to withstand nuclear, biological and chemical attacks and must be able to toxins from the outside, powerful enough to vent the whole bunker and is easy to be operated manually by a child. Image source: Keep Your Tribe Alive

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Prepping 101: Doomsday Bunker – Part 1: Original Idea & Interesting Samples

Svalbard Global Seed Vault Doomsday Bunker

One of the more famous bunkers in the world is the for seeds – ‘s that holds more than a million varieties of seeds of food crops and it is protected from natural disasters and the temperature is regulated to ensure long term storage of the seeds. Image source: Wikipedia.

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Environment 101: The Big Flood Crisis & Serious Look At Prepping

1971 Flood Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Natural Disaster

After 50 years, saw another major that started on a fine Saturday and lasted for several days thereafter making it one of the worst natural disasters in recent years. The last time we saw massive floods that crippled the country was back in 1971 that saw 32 people lose their life. The recent flood saw a loss of 41 deaths so far and the was heavily criticised for the lack and slow response to the flood. Image source: Reddit

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Prepping 101: 5 Essential Things You Must Have When You Move To New House

wrench set house prepping toolbox hardware

(My favourite set of tools as I can use for both related fixes and also car repairs. It is easy for my kids to use to fix their own cabinets and book selves for their rooms. Image source: Lazada

In the last 2 years, a number of my colleagues, friends and had bought new houses and immediately set on renovation and interior decoration. However with the global pandemic where the future is uncertain, it pertinent for all to revisit on the idea of prepping the house so that you can depend less on others for simple fixes and works.

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Lockdown in Malaysia 2020: Day 38 – MCO Extended & Drastic Lifestyle Changes

lockdown Tesco shopping

Despite a in place, you have to admit that it is quite impossible to just remain at and rely on online purchases, especially for groceries. Sooner or later, one has to brace oneself to go out shopping and that is what I had to do yesterday morning.

The problem was I completely forgotten the start date of Ramadan so I was surprised to see a very long line at Tesco hypermarket even though I was there quite early. Every time I go out, I have to reset my 14 days incubation period all over again.

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Prepping in Malaysia 101: Readying for Devastating Flu Pandemic


Definition of a : a pandemic, simply put, is a disease outbreak on a global scale. This is different than an epidemic and a simple disease outbreak. An epidemic is when an infectious disease spreads through many quickly (definition: True Prepper). The above is the scale used in Singapore – image source:

In recent time, the world has been grappling with a serious case of flu infections (in we been fighting H1N1 and 2019-nCoV infections), natural disasters, man-made disasters (in Malaysia, water pollution) and massive forest fires. Many people lost their lives, loved ones and their homes.

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Prepping in Malaysia 101: Rationing Up Water For the Worst Part 2

prepping water ration malaysia.

prepping water ration malaysia


prepping water ration malaysia

(Some of the quick steps taken the State when the state faced with serious water and ‘s anger over the matter got worse on daily basis. Image source: YB Hannah Yeoh)

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Devastating Chennai Floods 2015 & Art of Prepping

prepping chennai flood water ration

Let’s talk about which is another key aspect of this blog (the other is how Malaysians drive on the road and of course politics) and on the recent in Chennai, India. Image source:

Read these first:-

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Ending The Year 2014 On A Positive Note!

2014 najib golf

(Not everyone can be the PM – very, very hard at “work” overseas in 2014. Some had said that there is nothing wrong for a leader to take a break. Well, that is correct but not when the country is seeing one of the worst floods around. The big mamma still on holiday, its so seems – no one had seen her wading through the high water in downtown Kota Bahru. Image source)

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Prepping in Malaysia 101: Rationing Up Water For the Worst Part 1

water prepping ration

( includes stocking up enough water. More means higher water consumption and coupled with a longer run of the dry season causes a dangerous level at the water catchment areas. Image source: TheStar)

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Prepping in Malaysia 101: Creating Doomsday Store Room

prepping storeroom doomsday house

(The canned food in the . Having enough food and clean drinking water for the family draws the highest priority on my list but of course, looking for storage place without it is left on the open is fast becoming an issue – I blame this on housing developers not having basement as a standard in this country. It’s time to be highly creative with storage. Image source:

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