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Budgeting 101: Easy Project – Things To Make Life Easier At Home

home solar environment green energy

Solar panels on the roofs of every home will go a long way to reducing the cost of energy in this country but we have yet to have the space or the money for this project for now. However, there are other things we did that improved productivity and cut costs at home. Image source:

Disclaimer: Making things easy at home does not mean they will be cheap. Some “investments” will be required.

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Gaming 101: Diablo Immortal – A Great Stress Buster

Diablo Immortal Game Blizzard

The infamous dashboard of the Diablo II gameplay where you have the life level on one side and the manna level on the other side with endless fights, rewards, and upgrades of skills has now been revised in the Diablo Immortal. Image source: Blizzard

Disclaimer: Some of the contents in this post were generated using ChatGPT

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Military 101: Revisiting RMN’s Brilliant 15 to 5 Transformation Program

RMN Frigate KD Lekiu Jebat Navy Ship

RMN has a difficult mission to perform which is to protect Malaysia’s maritime interest and protect almost 4,700 kilometers of coastline from any unwanted intrusions. And yet, its fleet is insufficient and aging compared to a small country like Singapore where it only has a coastline of 200 kilometers to protect and has a very modern, capable fleet. Image source: Wikipedia

Read More »Military 101: Revisiting RMN’s Brilliant 15 to 5 Transformation Program