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Technology 101

Anything to do with technology, science, space and design

What Malaysian Astronauts Can Do in Space?

This is great.We finally have short listed couple of Malaysians to be blasted off to space. They were celebrated in big way yesterday. The DPM out of the blue assured the Malaysians that the Government is not spending a single cent on the space programme as it is part of the package when we bought the Sukhoi jet fighters (those who can think may ask DPM whether this meant the Government paid more, upfront, for the jets but that besides the point right?)
[Click to read the rest] “What Malaysian Astronauts Can Do in Space?”

Tech News 101: My 10 Golden Rules On Computing

computer computing laptop

(Definition of computing is an act of operating & using a computer and I guess soon the word “act” maybe need to replaced with the word “art”.Glasbergen’s cartoon says it all. Cartoon source:

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MacGyverism – can we apply it too?

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(Remember this guy in the late 80s? He used to be and still is one of my role model and “super” hero. Picture source:
For those watched the TV series MacGyver in the late 80’s, you will appreciate this. MacGyver (acted convincingly by Richard Dean Anderson) never really used violence to solve problems; he always used his mind to solve one.

[Click to read the rest] “MacGyverism – can we apply it too?”