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December 2006

Someone Woke Up!

First was this:-

The above was the situation along LDP just before Tractor Malaysia on a lazy Sunday afternoon. There was an unexpected traffic jam and my first thought was that there was an accident – a very bad one. As we crawled along the traffic and towards the ramp, we realised that the road was closed for road works.[Click to read the rest] “Someone Woke Up!”

Toll Hike 2006: Reasons & Excuses Looks a Load of Crap!

touch n go toll hike toll booth

You saw the crap on the front pages today.

The crap is not the increase in the toll but rather the lame excuses given by the government for the increase. Samy Vellu can keep saying that the government is “sharing” the burden with the public.

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Anger Management

The bleeding has started…LDP toll going up by 60 cents! I will talk on this and those greedy bastards soon.

What do you do when you find that the toll rates are going up and the government wants to do it quietly? What do you do when you find out that the government have spent RM600 million of public’s fund like nobody’s business for an exclusive sport event called the Monsoon Cup?[Click to read the rest] “Anger Management”