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February 2007

Zen Mode 101: Music – My Lifeline!

music brain

It is a know that music affects the brain in a very positive way namely to reduce stress, reduces anxiety and improves concentration. The question is how does music really affect the brain? Image source: Quora

It is Day 5 of our in and clearly it was time to put on the and listen to some music as it was very noisy at the workplace and it was getting on our nerves! Everyone seems to be on the edge and the slightest irritations seem to spark arguments at any moment.

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Tech News 101: Brand New Laptop, To Buy Or Not To Buy

Dell Inspiron 1501 Buy Laptop

To buy or not to buy a brand new when the company already provided me with a good laptop – that is the question which been running through my mind for the past few days. Image source: Notebook Check

Read More »Tech News 101: Brand New Laptop, To Buy Or Not To Buy