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December 2010

Crime Index 2010: Modern Day Slavery

Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally – Abraham Lincoln

slavery modern day 2017

(When one talk about slavery, one would think of the era of Kunta Kinte but reality, unfortunately, is far from this in the modern world. The worst is in Asia. Image source: Youtube)

If you ask me, the idea of slavery after the millennium is rather shameful, considering we have passed the millennium and on (a rather rocky) path to be a developed country.

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New Malaysia 101: 1Malaysia Banned On Petty Excuses

malaysia 1malaysia

(Before 2008, BN was beyond the general Malaysian’s acceptable level of arrogance and egoism. After 2008, PR provided some hope but it simply gets too political instead of getting the job done for the benefit of the people. Hopefully the “Third Force” changes the whole political landscape for the better. Image source: The People’s Parliament)

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Blogging 101: News Snippets As At 22 December 2010

bus death malaysia cameron highlands snippet

(News snippet – 27 people died but what caused the accident is yet to be confirmed, at least by the right people but already fingers being pointed at the driver and the bus whilst the bodies of the dead Thai tourists being sent home. Image source:

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Malaysia 101: Twisted One Sided History In Malaysia?

Until lions have their historians, tales of the hunt shall always glorify the hunters. ~African Proverb

history sejarah malaysia

(I still remember this – the history book that I used when I was young and in school. The content was more balanced then than now where it is structured to show one side of race and religion. Image source: Blues Riders)

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