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Klang Valley

Environment 101: The Big Flood Crisis & Serious Look At Prepping

1971 Flood Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Natural Disaster

After 50 years, saw another major that started on a fine Saturday and lasted for several days thereafter making it one of the worst natural disasters in recent years. The last time we saw massive floods that crippled the country was back in 1971 that saw 32 people lose their life. The recent flood saw a loss of 41 deaths so far and the was heavily criticised for the lack and slow response to the flood. Image source: Reddit

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Water Pollution 2020: Why We Are Not Punishing Everyone For Water Disruptions?

water disruption

Seriously I have lost count but once again, someone had polluted the that caused the supply in to be disrupted again. And once again, the act of polluting the rivers seemed intentional and with little regards to the welfare of thousands of consumers. If it is not considered as malicious , then what is it then? A sheer recklessness? Image source: NST

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Environment 101: Haze, The Smoke Gets In My Eyes, Again!

smoke haze

(The hotspot in Indonesia is a yearly affair and it somehow the haze had become “tolerable” when by right it should not be the case. The above when Singapore faced the worst from the slash & burn activities in Indonesia. Image source:

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