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Malaysia 101: National Anthem – No Malaysian Should Ever Disrespect It

“If you forget the words to your own song, you can always claim artistic license. Forget the words to the and you’re screwed.” ~ Lyle Lovett

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Looking at this video when it came out a couple of days ago, I thought that these are not Malaysians. From the looks of them, I thought they are probably from China attending some function in the country and by sheer ignorance; do not know the national anthem of the country. It is understandable if they choose not to stand up and respect the national anthem.

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BMF: Boycott This Instead!

Read These First:-


(A notice is posted at a retail outlet in Seoul on July 12, 2019, stating that it is neither selling nor buying Japanese . A campaign of Japanese goods is spreading in response to Japan’s recent curbs on exports of key chemicals to South Korean semiconductor and display manufacturers. Image Source: Yonhap News Agency)

In recent days, this has been a hot topic on the news – there has been a campaign for Muslims to boycott products made by non Muslims (it has mellowed down to Buy Muslim Products First).

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Governance 101: Rukunegara, Things That We Have Forgotten


How do you guys been doing lately? Do you still remember Rukunegara?

The last post I did was way back in early July and I considered that is a very long gap when it comes to blogging. My sincere apologies for missing from the blogosphere. It is not that I had stopped blogging but rather I have been busy – very, very busy indeed on something else.

For last 3 months and hopefully continuing into the coming months, I have spending my weekends rather religiously on activities that makes me achieve my daily target of 10,000 steps on my pedometer, cause me to sweat like hell and drink more than 8 cups of water (well it is more than 4 litres per day). Image source: Android Authority

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Democracy 101: A Good Parliamentary Debate


(The parliament is certainly not THE place for any funny . The House of Commons in session and in a good mood for a debate over ‘s motion on . Although not all the MPs had the opportunity to speak their mind on the motion, whoever did managed, left a positive impression on the viewers. Image source: the Net)

Read More »Democracy 101: A Good Parliamentary Debate

Indelible Ink: Most Expensive Food Colouring?

Read these first:-

Indelible Ink

(In the end, it was nothing but just a food colouring? Didn’t we paid RM7.1 million for it? Cartoonist Zunar – Malaysiakini say it all)

Here’s one to digest for your lovely weekend.

It is an interesting article in Malaysiakini (reproduced at Blog) on the issue of indelible used in the last general election. Considering that there has been a greater call for the EC chief to step down and too many complaints against the quality of the in the last makes this a good reading.

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Elections 101: Preparing for BERSIH 4.0

FRU bersih

(Out of the many images of 3.0 that I have seen, this has to be one of the most moving one – a Malaysian lying down in front of the police water cannon truck to stop them. It reminded me of the lone protestor who stood in front of the tanks during the Tiananmen Square. Image source: Lim SK @ Flickr)

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Elections 101: Bersih 2.0, The Wise King’s Response

Agong King Bersih

(The King who presided over the previous Bersih 1.0 is once again have made declaration that should bring the Government and Bersih 2.0 on talking terms again – hopefully. Image source:

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Elections 101: Bersih 2.0 – The Simple Demands

Bersih 2.0 rally election protest

Lately, one that has been quite hot in the news recently is the 2.0 rally scheduled on 9th July 2011. I have been busy with an assignment lately and I have been travelling too but as much as possible, I do try to keep abreast with the latest news at home.

Read More »Elections 101: Bersih 2.0 – The Simple Demands

2010 Reflection: Year of the BN


(Never underestimate the power of impressions, more so if it was handled by professionals. Image source:

2010 was unfortunately “their” year but they deserved it – they played their cards rights

One of the few best things that under Najib did in 2010 (although it was long, long overdue) was getting a new President for but then again, MIC is old news and the old President did not go away with empty hands.

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Blogging 101: News Snippets As At 22 December 2010

bus death malaysia cameron highlands snippet

(News snippet – 27 people died but what caused the accident is yet to be confirmed, at least by the right people but already fingers being pointed at the driver and the bus whilst the bodies of the dead Thai tourists being sent home. Image source:

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Party Elections 101: Yes, It Is Messy, Dirty But Necessary

PKR Parti Keadilan Rakyat Election

( cannot be a one-man-show. At end of the day, it has to rely on committees, rules and procedures. Dr Molly Cheah now heads a nine-member central election committee — made up of ordinary members — who will oversee the party’s first-ever direct . Image source: Wikipedia)

Read More »Party Elections 101: Yes, It Is Messy, Dirty But Necessary