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Home Makeover 101: Part 1 – Upgrading The Tired Home: The Planning

Home House Makeover Living Room

After a long tiring day, all we want to do is to come back to a warm, clean, comfortable where we can lay back in a corner, put a relaxing Illayaraaja classic and have a good book in our hands. But the reality of things especially when we have very little time to clean up, organise and run out of storage, the can be in a terrible mess & uncomfortable. Image source: Pexel/Photo by Donald Tong

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TV Shows 101: Reviewing Amazing Star Trek TV Series That I Have Watched – Part 1

Star Trek Captain TV Series Kirk Picard Janeway

One of the positive things that came out from the prolonged COVID19 lockdown at hone is the available time to watch the long due on Netflix and I picked to complete all from the very first 1960s that started it all to the latest shows that keep the brilliant Gene Roddenberry’s live today – to go to boldly go where no man has gone before. Image source: SYFY

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Economy 101: Best of Ferengi’s Rules of Acquisition

ferengi rules of acquisition economy business

Before I started watching Deep Nine over Netflix, the Ferengi must have been one of the ugliest, most snobbish and profit-minded alien race in the Star Trek universe. But then watching Quark in Star Trek Deep Space Nine gave another interesting perspective on the Ferengis. Image source: Star

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Movie Review: Independence Day: Resurgence 2016 – the Good, Bad and the Ugly

Independence Day Resurgence 2016 Movie Review Coke Jeff Goldblum

I still remember watching the first , Independence Day which came out in 1996 in the old Rex theatre together with my siblings and we were sitting on the premium class on the first floor.

On the very scene when David Levinson introduced a virus into the alien ship’s shield and asks Major Steven Mitchell to shoot the can, we actually heard the can flying from the right to the left in the theatre. It was a blockbuster that year. Image source: Tumblr.

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TV Shows 101: Space 1999, The 1970’s Classic Science Fiction

Moonbase Space 1999 TV Shows 1970 Science Fiction Eagle Spacecraft

The race to propelled imagination of many around the world and that included the & which gave us many classics such as the show titled “”. Image source: Ultimate Classic Rock

During this lockdown and self-isolations in quarantine centre, one of the things I decided to do to kill the boredom (and make full use of the free ) by watching old TV series which now is available on . I had watched a few but for space-related shows, Space 1999 crossed my mind instantly.

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Space 101: High Tech, Impressive Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover

Perseverance mars rover nasa space 2020

When it comes to exploration and in particular the (the famed ), an important event scheduled to take place next month in July 2020 – ‘s 5th MARS rover is scheduled to be launched and is expected to land in MARS on February 2021. Information & Image Sources: Wikipedia & NASA & JPL

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Before You Can Reach for Space, Learn to Grow Up First

Read these first:-


( exploration – this is where the future lies and we need to look beyond, move beyond our comfort zone. Image source:

Well, let’s read this interesting piece of development when it comes to the direction of the nation:-

now has a National Space Policy to allow the country to look into developing technologies related to aerospace and turn it into a new economic contributor.

With the policy in place, authorities can plan to develop this sector systematically and ensure it is well managed so that the nation will benefit from it.

Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said that fields related to space , be it research or creating new technologies, have vast potential and he was confident that Malaysia could become a significant contributor to the world in these areas.

The Prime Minister said he was happy to read about the success story of astrophysics PhD student Nurul Adlyka Ainul Annuar, whose discovery in the field of astronomy made headlines around the world.


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Blogging 101: News Snippets As At 15 May 2015

automated snippet

(News snippet – It is indeed a tragedy when an infant dies due to another road user who cared less of the safety of others but other than feeling sad & saying our condolences, what we are doing to ensure another person does not die in the same manner? Image source: the Net)

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Design 101: The Best of Star Wars Architectures

star wars architecture design

The from the universal was 120 kilometres in diameter. Much of its interior was devoted to systems required to maintain its massive super laser and power plant. At the heart of the Death Star is a gigantic hyper matter reactor. Within this chamber burned a fusion reaction of prodigious proportions, fed by stellar fuel bottles lining its periphery (Star Wars Databank)

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Space 101: Using Stellarium For Facinating Space Exploration

Space Stellarium Technology Software Astronomy

If you are interested in astronomy and just like to watch the stars at night and wonder what is the name of the star anywhere in the world, you have to check out the open-source , .

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What Malaysian Astronauts Can Do in Space?

This is great.We finally have short listed couple of to be blasted off to . They were celebrated in big way yesterday. The DPM out of the blue assured the Malaysians that the Government is not spending a single cent on the space programme as it is part of the package when we bought the Sukhoi jet fighters (those who can think may ask DPM whether this meant the Government paid more, upfront, for the jets but that besides the point right?)
[Click to read the rest] “What Malaysian Astronauts Can Do in Space?”