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Nature 101: Mastering Precious And Limited Water Resource Management

indah water pollution water disruption water resource management

A primary goal in national resource strategies is to augment water reserves, ensuring a sustainable supply for various needs. Concurrently, it’s crucial to minimize non-revenue water—water that is produced but not billed due to factors like leaks, theft, or metering inaccuracies. By addressing these challenges, countries can promote water conservation, improve delivery, and enhance the financial viability of water utilities. Image source: Facebook

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Health 101: Best Ways to Start the Day Based on Indian Ancient Rituals

Indian Good Morning Sunrise

On the last trip to the bookstore, I had to hold of several Indian-related historical books (one is a history of Ashoka the Great with more than 1,000 pages) for a steal. The other is a book on the Ayurveda diet & medicine which has a great deal of diet for multiple shows. Image source: Pexel / Elias Tigiser

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Personal 101: Mystery Water Leak & The Living Room Got Flooded Heavily

Water leak disruption tap dry Selangor Bunker

leaking in the can be a nightmare for anyone and personally, we have experienced water leaks in the past before and this was mainly from the rooftop water tank which we end up having to replace twice & one was from rainwater through gaps between roof tiles. Waterproofing the main areas of the bathrooms will be the next project at . Photo by PS Photography from Pexels.  

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Special Projects 101: Part 5: New Car Makeover 2021 – New Rubber Solves Mysterious Flooding

rubber car makeover restoration project

My project for the had to take a backseat after June last year as I get to travel less on the road and inability to purchase new changes like rubber linings for the car due to the pandemic. So I rather focussed on the car being kept clean and polished to ensure that it looks new as much as possible. I finally decided to switch my point of servicing the car as it was getting expensive to an old car at the authorised service centre. Image source: 5-Minutes Craft Youtube

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Prepping 101: Doomsday Bunker – Part 3: Clean, Good Water & Food Supply

Water disruption tap dry Selangor Bunker

It is said that one can go on without for 30 to 40 days but one will die without in 3 days’ time. So it is imperative that these 2 crucial items are part and parcel of the logistics and is able to sustain the occupants for a very long time. Image source: Photo by PS Photography from Pexels

It also needs to have a good filtration system to ensure the water is clean enough for consumption.

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Water Pollution 2021: Two Water Disruptions, Faster Recovery This Time

Water Treatment

One of the biggest headaches, whenever we have , is that once the treatment plant starts working, it takes at least 2 days for the treated water to reach our homes.

The reason for the delay is due to the number of processes that need to be done before the water can be released to the end consumers. Those homes on hills like mine take even longer due to the lower water pressure. Image source: Dwyer

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Water Pollution 2020: Some Bad News, Some Good News to Ponder

indah water pollution water disruption

On 10th November 2020, the State of experienced another water disruption affecting some 1.1 million accounts making it the 9th disruption this year alone. This time the suspect is from Indah Water but there is another twist to the story. Image source: Facebook

It has been a fact that the state of Selangor has been having too many water disruptions and despite the offenders have been identified and punished, it has not been the end of the trouble for the consumers in this state. The matter has been talked about for far too long but there seems to be no proper closure to this man-made incidents.

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Malaysia 101: When Stupidity, Stubbornness and Double Standards Mixed

COVID19 Malaysia

What really went wrong in ‘s fight against ?

Just when Malaysia almost able to bend the curve, it suddenly spiked up again and it is running loose now. Have we gotten lax in and maintaining our precautions? It is the same case with disruptions in the state of – it is happening way too frequently these days. Image source: Our World In Data

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Water Pollution 2020: Why We Are Not Punishing Everyone For Water Disruptions?

water disruption

Seriously I have lost count but once again, someone had polluted the that caused the supply in to be disrupted again. And once again, the act of polluting the rivers seemed intentional and with little regards to the welfare of thousands of consumers. If it is not considered as malicious , then what is it then? A sheer recklessness? Image source: NST

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Water Disruption 2020: Water Polluters – When Karma Finally Strikes!!!

Water disruption tap dry Selangor

Despite living in the tropics, disruptions has become part and parcel of our daily lives and it is due to man-made pollutions and often the culprits gets away with light or no punishments. Image source: Photo by PS Photography from Pexels  

If you have not been keeping up with the news from , a few days ago, major caused the shutdown of 4 plants causing to almost 1.2 million users. This is nothing new if you ask as we have been having water disruptions due to polluters for some time now.

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National Security 2019: Treat Water Pollution as Terrorist Attack!!


& to consumers is not new – the above was back in October 2016 when it was discovered that a toxic solvent had been dumped into a tributary of a river that flows into the Sungai plant. Earlier this month, the plant was shut down due to “odor pollution”.

On Sept 23, it was closed due to from Sungai Lalang near the Semenyih Hitech area, and a day earlier, it was shut down due to contamination believed to be from an illegal factory along Jalan Sungai Lalang. Image source: The Star

Considering how water pollution is causing hardship to the consumers in this country and the level of punishment is not enough to stop pollution from recurring (and causing water supply disruptions), we need to treat all these polluters as terrorists and in particular as a determined terrorist attack.

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Malaysian Quality 101: The Tidak Apa Syndrome


A huge difference in with cheap Malaysian made product – nano that is made in or with Korean and conforms to international standards and member of a number of water quality associations as displayed on the box. Look at the condition of the sealant at the bottom and it is well made. Image source: Qoo10

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