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May 2005

Enforcement 101: When Motorcyclist Killed After Ramming A Bus

When they will ever learn?

The Star on Monday reported that “If only he had worn a helmet, Maniam Murugan might not have been killed when the motorcycle he was riding hit a stalled bus on Friday. It was not that the 33-year-old labourer from Temenggung flats in Kulai did not have a helmet; police found one in the carrier of his motorcycle.”… [Click to read the rest] “Enforcement 101: When Motorcyclist Killed After Ramming A Bus”

Movie Review 101: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 2005

star wars

The last of the prequels which makes this movie a must-see before we go back to the New Hope with . The reason for this is obvious – it shows the journey of Anakin from the light side to the dark side, an evil empire arises from the ashes of the Clone Wars.  Image source: Fandom.

Read More »Movie Review 101: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 2005

Mainstream Media: Politicizing a Tragic 44th Death


It is tragic…and I am not even talking about the tragic death of who was run over by a trailer on Monday while crossing the highway to get to her school. I am talking about the shallow reporting by and the publicity by members of a political party. Image source: The Star

Read More »Mainstream Media: Politicizing a Tragic 44th Death

Humor 101: Comedy In A Galaxy Far Far Away

So the story goes on the final installation of the trilogy. It is opening on 19th May across the globe. I am huge fan of the saga and have seen all the series. I know of some guys who watched the last Star Wars movie (“Attack of the Clones”) 7 times and still can’t get enough of the action and mind-boggling special effects.

[Click to read the rest] “Humor 101: Comedy In A Galaxy Far Far Away”

Gambling 101: Striking Jackpot RM12.7 million


The heat is on for 6/49 Sports Toto Jackpot now standing at RM12.7 million. The fever is everywhere with small time punters dreaming of striking the big one. The fever has not escaped my office and already there are “consortiums” to pool the money to purchase the tickets. I would not deny it; I am also part of a “consortium” hoping to strike the big one myself.

[Click to read the rest] “Gambling 101: Striking Jackpot RM12.7 million”