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Know Your Car Basics 101: Changing Faulty Bearing, Hub & Suspension

car makeover Proton suspension 2021 bearing

(Every car part including suspension, wheel hubs and bearings is subject to wear and tear and is subject to replacement after certain milestone mileage) 

Driving has been miserable for me for the last few weeks and it is all due to faulty wheel bearing. The loud rumbling sound comes from the wheels wherever I take a corner.

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Politics 101: The Ideal Prime Minister of Malaysia

MOU, Anwar Ibrahim, Pakatan Harapan, Unity Government Prime Minister

Kavilan tagged me a long time ago with his post titled “5 People/Groups That I’d Rather Have as the Prime Minister of Malaysia”. As I was busy with the NaNoWriMo project, I have held back from doing this post (sorry, bro). Image source: Free Malaysia Today

Read More »Politics 101: The Ideal Prime Minister of Malaysia