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April 2020

Lockdown in Malaysia 2020: Day 44 – Should Wait for Hair Cut or Just Cut Hair?


Mind you there is a big difference between “I had a ” and “I had cut my hair” – it is something I learned to distinguish thanks to my lecturer when I was still in the law school. The last thing I want to do is to be a hero and try to be a barber myself – Mr Bean armed with scissors probably could do better. Image source: Youtube

In recent days, in light of the strict in some places in and the need to keep best hygienic practices in place, there have been major discussions on the rights of Rohingyas immigrants in Malaysia. They have started to cause problems to the host countries which you make you wonder why the Myanmar Government probably be happy to see them out of the country.

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Tamil Movie Review: Thiagarajan Kumararaja’s Super Deluxe 2019

movie Thiagarajan Kumararaja

Many thanks to Behindwood’s list of top 150 cult Tamil movies to watch consolidated due to the in , I found a real gem in these 2 movies – Aaranya Kaandam (2010) and (2019). Both written and directed by the brilliant . Image source: The Hindu

When it comes to watching a movie, I would also check on who is the director of the movie.

Personally, I have some preferences as I know that their movies have been brilliant (maybe 1-2 screw-ups like Myskkin’s Physco) – directors like David Lean (his 1962 Lawrence of Arabia is still my top epic movie in my collections), Steven Spielberg and Christopher Nolan for Hollywood movies and K Balachander, Mani Ratnam, Myskkin, Cheran and to some extent, Selvaraghavan & Vetrimaaran for Tamil movies.

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Lockdown in Malaysia 2020: Day 38 – MCO Extended & Drastic Lifestyle Changes

lockdown Tesco shopping

Despite a in place, you have to admit that it is quite impossible to just remain at home and rely on online purchases, especially for groceries. Sooner or later, one has to brace oneself to go out shopping and that is what I had to do yesterday morning.

The problem was I completely forgotten the start date of Ramadan so I was surprised to see a very long line at hypermarket even though I was there quite early. Every time I go out, I have to reset my 14 days incubation period all over again.

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National Security 2020: Recent Intrusion of Chinese ships in Malaysian Waters


(The potential flashpoint for the next regional war is in the where in recent years, the Government has been very aggressively building naval bases complete with missile launch silos, gun emplacements, radar stations, communications towers, runways for heavy bombers and helipads. Photo source: The Sun UK)

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Recently the Chinese Government sent 8 doctors to assist our Ministry of Health on the war to contain and improve the recovery from COVID-19 infections. Health director-general Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah on April 10 said a team of medical professionals from China would be in to lend a helping hand and look at the performance of Malaysia’s hospitals in handling the pandemic.

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Lock Down In Malaysia 2020: Day 34 – The Ugly Side of Double Standards

lock down

From crisis management readiness started way back in December 2019, have done a rather effective management of the crisis with strict lock down & continuos testing – the number of active cases has continued to reduce from a peak 2596 on 5th April 2020 to 2,103 as at 19th April 2020. In total, 3,197 people have recovered from coronavirus making a recovery rate of 59.32%. Compared to other neighbours, Malaysia is doing more testing indeed. Graph source: Our World in Data.

Indonesia on the other hand, where some Indonesians were not happy when Datuk Dr Musa Nordin tagged the country as a time bomb of pandemic has registered 6,575 cases with 582 deaths and 686 recoveries. The recovery rate at this point is 10.43%. They are just shy away from Singapore who has 6,588 confirmed cases.

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Lock Down in Malaysia 2020: Day 31 – It is All About Sustaining the Momentum

lock down

Lock down success in China – seeing the numbers involved is really impressive: Wuhan – 14 million people involved, Hubei lockdown – 59 million people involved, other cities lock down – 159 million people involved. Information & image source: Zoomax

Many thanks to the strict lock down in place (now in 3rd phase yet almost 15,000 lock down violators caught todate), the number of testing done and people doing less things, the number of active cases has indeed continued to reduce. As at todate, has a total confirmed of 5,182 cases with a total 84 deaths and a total 2,766 recovered cases – the fatality rate stands at 1.62% with a recovery rate of 53.38%.

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Tamil Movie Review: Rajavukku Check 2020, Thriller Gripping Storyline

tamil movie

Rajavukku Check means Check Mate in Tamil and I managed to catch up watching this action thriller Tamil movie starring Cheran recently. WARNING ahead – this is not a movie to watch with the whole family. Movie poster source: IndiaGlitz

The lock down has unfortunately confined us to our homes with little things to do unless you are very creative and make the best of the lock down.… [Click to read the rest] “Tamil Movie Review: Rajavukku Check 2020, Thriller Gripping Storyline”

Oxford Union Society 2012: Dr Michael Shermer – God Does Not Exist


In a world that is facing a major pandemic, is there a bigger, more credible reason why many of us cannot see or hear or experience God? Image source: Pinterest

Being locked up in the house due to the lock down since 18th March 2020 except for that few occasions when I venture out to buy the essential groceries, on my free time when I am not working or tied up with house chores, I found myself on the watching university debates, technical speeches, watching 1950s & 1960s movies, attending virtual concerts (like this gem), learning CSS & tweaking my blog site (noticed the changes?), cracking my mind for the next blog posts and rediscovering my love for chess (now that my daughter is picking up the game, she is looking for stronger opponents).

Read More »Oxford Union Society 2012: Dr Michael Shermer – God Does Not Exist

Lockdown in Malaysia 2020: Day 24 – Have We Tested Enough People For Coronavirus?


We are indeed living in a new era where we saw medical science becoming the forefront of helping millions of people around the world to be tested, contain & recover from a deadly virus although unfortunately as to todate 89,900 people have died from the coronavirus.

On the other hand, stupidity & religion has caused so much mess & a surge of new infections in many countries in the last 2 months. Cartoon source: DowntoEarth.Org

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Outbreak 2020: Possible Virus Surge in Pakistan from Tablighi Jamaat Gathering

Tablighi Jamaat

By the way, today is the first time since the lock down started & the 2nd wave from ‘s gathering in , the active cases have started to reduce. Kudos to the highly dedicated medical team, all the front liners and ordinary Malaysians who despite the many hardships had observed the stay at home order.

There was 236 recovery cases as compared to new of 131 cases making for the first time, the number of active cases to reduce from 2,596 to 2,490 cases. It is a small improvement but it is in the right path – hopefully that this will continue to flatten and on a reducing trend. Graph source: Outbreak.MY

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Outbreak 2020: Another Surge of Virus Infection from Tabligh Gathering


This time, the surge of Covid-19 virus is in and it is due gathering in New Delhi. It is now labelled as the biggest domestic source of the disease in the country. Doesn’t this sound very familiar? Infographic source: Hindustan Times

It is the same pattern that is emerging from the tabligh gathering in . And Indonesia would have similar nightmare had they allowed the tabligh gathering in Sulawesi Island to continue. Thankfully although they were insisting to proceed initially, the organisers and the participants saw the wisdom of cancelling the event especially after the surge of infections in Malaysia.

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Lock Down in Malaysia 2020: Day 15 & I Thought I Was First at Tesco

lock down

Today starts the 2nd phase of the nationwide lock down which will see a stricter of the order in many ways. This 2nd phase was unavoidable considering that ever since the lock down started on18th March 2020, there are a large number of people still out of touch with reality of things. Image source: Bernama.

Everyday (except perhaps today) I often see morons jogging around my residential area although the number of clueless morons has reduced substantially after got some angry responses from other residents in the resident Telegram group and with tighter enforcement of the law.

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