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Know Your Car Basics 101: Totally Wasted My Time When The Bloody Car Battery Died

car battery power

(What is inside a ? What are the symptoms of a bad battery? Image source: Best Car Audio)

One of the main things during the that I never failed to do is to start up the every 2 – 3 days and let the engine running for a few minutes. Sometimes I drive around the neighbourhood till the engine had warmed up enough for me to park it back at the house.

For grocery shopping, I often use my wife’s car instead of my car as it had more fuel than my car. Further, it is rarely used since schools have been shut down and we rarely have any excuse to use that car.

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Outbreak 2020: Covid-19 Big Data Projections Till Year 2022

outbreak cmco lock down covid-19

Despite the fact that a strict in place due to Covid-19 pandemic, the Government on 4th May 2020 announced a relaxed lockdown with specific SOP aka Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) in place so that businesses that have been badly infected by this Covid-19 pandemic can get back on their feet. Infographic source: Bernama.

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National Security 2020: Pondering Why Rohingyas Are Hated In Myanmar – Part 4 of 4

rohingya myanmar bangladesh refugee

Wait a minute, is this infographic in 2017 is implying that before militants attacked police posts & army bases, there was no mass influx of ? Infographic source: Strait Times

Interestingly this seems to jive with the argument by the Government that its forces are carrying out their legitimate duty to restore order after guerrilla attacks on Aug. 25 on security posts and an army camp in which about a dozen people were killed.

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Blogging 101: Enriched And Rewarding, 15 Years of Blogging

blogging years

What is the biggest challenge that I have faced in all my years of ? The same as many other bloggers out there – time to do a blog post. Mind you, when I say the time, this includes the time to think of the blog post idea, the time to get enough research to be done, time to draft the content and finally posting it. Statistics source: Orbit Media

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National Security 2020: Pondering Why Rohingyas Are Hated In Myanmar – Part 3 of 4

rohingya bangladesh bhasan char Myanmar

Many have asked why the Rohingyas running away from are not keen on settling on Bangladeshi government’s USD280 million infrastructures on and instead keen on making the perilous journey all the way to ? Image source: The Business Standard

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National Security 2020: Pondering Why Rohingyas Are Hated In Myanmar – Part 2 of 4

refugee rohingya

According to the , it is estimated that there are about 25.9 million all around the world of which, more of than a million is Rohingya refugees. The impact of these refugees on the host nation is, unfortunately, is not positive. Image source: UNHCR

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National Security 2020: Pondering Why Rohingyas Are Hated In Myanmar – Part 1 of 4

Rohingya Refugee Countries

refugee crisis is a well known global crisis and other than Bangladesh who presently bears the majority of the , others including have taken them in and provided safe haven until the situation in improves. The fact remains that these refugees must go back home in the end before they become a national threat to others. Infographic source: Anadolu Agency

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RIP Irrfan Khan: 1967 – 2020

Irrfan Khan

This is one of best ‘s quotable quotes – we don’t have a culture of realistic acting in India. Our films still are influenced by Parsi theater. Parsi theater was known for melodrama. It’s all about emotions. Image source: Variety / Quote source: NPR

How right he was when it comes to Indian cinema!

Read More »RIP Irrfan Khan: 1967 – 2020

Lockdown in Malaysia 2020: Day 44 – Should Wait for Hair Cut or Just Cut Hair?


Mind you there is a big difference between “I had a ” and “I had cut my hair” – it is something I learned to distinguish thanks to my lecturer when I was still in the law school. The last thing I want to do is to be a hero and try to be a barber myself – Mr Bean armed with scissors probably could do better. Image source: Youtube

In recent days, in light of the strict in some places in and the need to keep best hygienic practices in place, there have been major discussions on the rights of Rohingyas immigrants in Malaysia. They have started to cause problems to the host countries which you make you wonder why the Government probably be happy to see them out of the country.

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Tamil Movie Review: Thiagarajan Kumararaja’s Super Deluxe 2019

movie Thiagarajan Kumararaja

Many thanks to Behindwood’s list of top 150 cult Tamil movies to watch consolidated due to the in India, I found a real gem in these 2 movies – Aaranya Kaandam (2010) and (2019). Both written and directed by the brilliant . Image source: The Hindu

When it comes to watching a movie, I would also check on who is the director of the movie.

Personally, I have some preferences as I know that their movies have been brilliant (maybe 1-2 screw-ups like Myskkin’s Physco) – directors like David Lean (his 1962 Lawrence of Arabia is still my top epic movie in my collections), Steven Spielberg and Christopher Nolan for Hollywood movies and K Balachander, Mani Ratnam, Myskkin, Cheran and to some extent, Selvaraghavan & Vetrimaaran for Tamil movies.

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Lockdown in Malaysia 2020: Day 38 – MCO Extended & Drastic Lifestyle Changes

lockdown Tesco shopping

Despite a in place, you have to admit that it is quite impossible to just remain at home and rely on online purchases, especially for groceries. Sooner or later, one has to brace oneself to go out shopping and that is what I had to do yesterday morning.

The problem was I completely forgotten the start date of Ramadan so I was surprised to see a very long line at Tesco hypermarket even though I was there quite early. Every time I go out, I have to reset my 14 days incubation period all over again.

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National Security 2020: Recent Intrusion of Chinese ships in Malaysian Waters


(The potential flashpoint for the next regional war is in the where in recent years, the Government has been very aggressively building naval bases complete with missile launch silos, gun emplacements, radar stations, communications towers, runways for heavy bombers and helipads. Photo source: The Sun UK)

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Recently the Chinese Government sent 8 doctors to assist our Ministry of Health on the war to contain and improve the recovery from COVID-19 infections. Health director-general Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah on April 10 said a team of medical professionals from China would be in to lend a helping hand and look at the performance of Malaysia’s hospitals in handling the pandemic.

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