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Malaysian Politicians

Elections 101: Personal Reflection On Malacca State Elections & Pakatan’s Poor Results

Malacca Elections

Frankly speaking, the Malacca state elections was an that should NOT have happened in the first place and caused the taxpayers RM46 million. Image source: Wikipedia

It happened because 4 politicians from the ruling BN + PN coalition decided to rebel and pulled out their support for the existing State . Back then BN+PN had 14 seats against Pakatan’s 11 seats and once this happened, PH had one seat advantage that could have seen them taking over the state.

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Outbreak 2020: Stupidity When the Law Is Seriously Clear

covid19 stupidity minister politicians law

(The is equal to all – in other words, there is no one above the law so the application of the law to anyone would need to be the same. But in reality, there seems to be some inequality when it comes to enforcing the law. Image source: Facebook) 

The problem with some politicians in the country is that once they have broken a law, instead of accepting that they have knowingly or unknowingly broken the law and apologising and taking the punishment under the law, they lie and try to cover it up with dumb excuses. This despite the SOP provided by the Ministry of Health is crystal clear on the matter.

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Blogging 101: News Snippets As At 21 September 2017


(Time for some snippets. We all are friends when your enemy is also my enemy. in place of Pakatan Rakyat – they are better organised and led by experienced in the political area but will they stick together when their individual objective clashes? Image source: The Malaysian Insight)

Hi folks, it has been some time since I last blogged – frankly speaking, I have been spending more time at other places (some DIYs at home, updating my Facebook, watching Youtube, playing games, etc) instead of blogging. But it does not mean I have not been keeping up with the snippets – unfortunately, there are more depressing snippets on where this country is heading. In fact, this snippet post and the title had been on a draft mode for months and had undergone several edits so don’t be surprised if you are reading very old snippets here.

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Being a Mean, Angry Hulk in 2016!


(One of the best scene from the Avengers – Hulk vs a God and guess who won. I watched this scene probably hundred times and I never got bored with it. Image source:

It was “bang” leaving 2015 – we all watched the new Star Wars movie and we all loved it from the start to the end.

But ever since the start of a “new” year, hardly been a time when I was not in an “angry” mode. Don’t get me wrong – I am not angry with anyone in particular but now schools have started and parents rushing to send their kids to school and then rush to work, way too many idiots have sprout out and had made things worse.

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Enforcement 101: Another Dumb Call for Beer Ban Again?

genting highland trip 2006 drinks beer ban

Another call for a ban by the fanatics who don’t beer but wants to enjoy the taxes collected from the sale of beers?  When it comes to corruption or abuse of public funds, you will see these fanatics go into a silent mode and hardly say anything. 

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Election 101: It Is The Time to be Good Saints

Scandal BN UMNO Election Saint

time is the time when hardcore and corrupt politicians act like saints and are willing to even beg for your votes. Outside these election campaign times, the amount of scandal, abuse of power and corruption is unbelievable and can be sickening.

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