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Health 101: Best Ways to Start the Day Based on Indian Ancient Rituals

Indian Good Morning Sunrise

On the last trip to the bookstore, I had to hold of several Indian-related historical books (one is a of Ashoka the Great with more than 1,000 pages) for a steal. The other is a book on the Ayurveda & medicine which has a great deal of diet for multiple shows. Image source: Pexel / Elias Tigiser

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Health 101: Understanding Ancient Ayurvedic’s 3 Main Doshas

Ayurvedic Health Dosha Hindu Balance

It is not limited to just the of , the key point of everything in this life is to have a good balance in everything we do, say and eat and we have seen this from our lifestyles, and even how we manage ourselves. This is not something new and in different aspect of , balance Image source: Taste For Life.

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Lockdown in Malaysia 2021: Not A Big Surprise, MCO 2.0 Was Highly Expected

MCO COVID19 Lockdown Malaysia 2021

On 11th January , the Prime Minister announced a stricter movement control order (MCO) for 6 states namely Wilayah and Selangor which encompasses ban on inter-state and inter-district. And a day after the MCO was announced and was due to take place, recorded the highest number of COVID19 cases at 3,309 cases (on 14th, we set a new record with 3,337 new cases and 15 deaths). Image source: .

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Health 101: Early Morning Easy Yoga Routines

Yoga health India Asanas

It is said that is about 10,000 years old and it is more than the boundary of modern yoga as we know it now. Yoga is about the way we think, do and interact with others positively. Image source: Elly Fairytale from Pexels

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Lockdown in Malaysia 2020: Day 24 – Have We Tested Enough People For Coronavirus?


We are indeed living in a new era where we saw medical becoming the forefront of helping millions of people around the world to be tested, contain & recover from a deadly virus although unfortunately as to todate 89,900 people have died from the coronavirus.

On the other hand, stupidity & religion has caused so much mess & a surge of new infections in many countries in the last 2 months. Cartoon source: DowntoEarth.Org

Read More »Lockdown in Malaysia 2020: Day 24 – Have We Tested Enough People For Coronavirus?