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Nature 101: Mastering Precious And Limited Water Resource Management

indah water pollution water disruption water resource management

A primary goal in national resource strategies is to augment water reserves, ensuring a sustainable supply for various needs. Concurrently, it’s crucial to minimize non-revenue water—water that is produced but not billed due to factors like leaks, theft, or metering inaccuracies. By addressing these challenges, countries can promote water conservation, improve service delivery, and enhance the financial viability of water utilities. Image source: Facebook

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Economy 101: Seriously, What Drives The Big Economy?

Hadi Awang PAS Taliban PN Islamic Economy

Despite one can dismiss this as another statement from the leader where he openly says that the liberalisation of the capitalist-based & not an Islamic one is the root of the suffering of the people, the question is what makes or breaks the economy of the country like how it did in Venezuela? Image source: Malaysiakini/Twitter

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Health 101: Alcohol Moderation & Choosing Between the 2 Greater Evils

Alcohol Cigarette Tobacco Statistic Our World In Data Beer Malaysia

If one zooms down to the in , the risk from is even higher at a factor of 4 compared to taking . The only known risk of alcoholism in Malaysia has been notable when there are deaths from drunken driving. Data source: Our World In Data

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Driving Skills 101: What Is The Correlation Between Accidents And Dangerous Roads?

Accident Map Death

When one takes a look at the fatalities from road accidents across the world, does not have a good record considering the numbers are higher than those developed countries namely the US and countries in . Image source: Our World In Data.

On the other hand, Saudi Arabia has one of the good road infrastructures due to their petroleum and yet they fare the worst when it comes to road fatalities. There is no correlation between the of roads and the number of road accidents.

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Environment 101: Climate Change Is Real & Bad News: Europe Is Drying Up

Climate change sea level nature environment Klang Malaysia

As much as many around the world are giving low priority to , is real and it has started to cause problems to many all over the world. It is predicted that by the year 2030, the sea level is expected to increase by 4 feet and 5 feet by the year 2050. By then, a number of coastal areas like Klang marked in red are expected to be under the sea. Map source: Climate Central

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Economy 101: Seriously, Is Malaysia’s External Debt As Bad As Sri Lanka?

Sri Lanka Riot External Debt

COVID-19 , and corruption have driven some countries into severe external debts that they were unable to recover from and this saw massive public riots that had driven the involved out of their country. One such example is where the President of the country had fled the country and the country is in a major riot. Image source: BBC

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Economy 101: Is This Why Cooking Oil Price Insanely High in Malaysia?

Palm Oil Cooking Forbes Graph

We use palm as the mainstream oil as it is the obvious option and can easily get it as is one of the largest exporters of in the world after neighbouring . Of course, if one has the , they can opt for the more imported vegetable oils like canola or olive oil. Chart source: Forbes / Statista

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Farming 101: Precision & Smart Farming – Part 3: Lessons from Malaysia

Agriculture Farming Statistics Graph

When one is looking at land in the country, there is a substantial increase in agricultural land in since the 1960s. In 2018, the farmland area for Malaysia was 85,710 sq. km. The farmland area of Malaysia increased from 37,559 sq. km in 1969 to 85,710 sq. km in 2018 growing at an average annual rate of 1.72%. Data & chart source: World Bank

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Outbreak 2022: Finally Getting Infected With Deadly COVID19 Virus

COVID19 Political Gathering

I always find it illogical for to organise large political gatherings when the number of cases shoots through the sky but you cannot have large gatherings in fear of COVID19 infections. So which is which? Image source: Gazette / Twitter.

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Environment 101: Understanding Malaysia’s 2016 Positive Greenhouse Gas Emission Edge

Greenhouse Gas Deforestation Forest Malaysia

Global Forest Watch reported that from 2002 to 2020, had lost about 2.70Mha (around 27,000 square kilometres) of humid primary forest which in turn impacts the greenhouse gases emission.

This amounts to 34% of the total tree cover loss in the same 20 years. Interestingly this also amounted to a loss of 8.39Mha (around 84,000 square kilometres) of tree cover, equivalent to a 29% decrease in tree cover since 2000 and 4.82Gt of CO₂e emissions. Chart & information source: Global Forest Watch

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Outbreak 2021: Deciphering Big Data From Ministry of Health

COVID19 Big Data Vaccination

As of 10th September , the data from the various sources shows that has achieved 52% of the population to be fully vaccinated which is quite close to the percentage achieved by United States (almost 53%). Statistic Source: Our World In Data.

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Outbreak 2021: I Finally Got My First COVID19 Vaccination Done

vaccine vaccination COVID19

It is said that as of 17th July , based on the progress around the world, it is estimated that 1 billion people has been full vaccinated whilst 1.04 billion people have been partially vaccinated. One of the plus points in recent days is that is leading on the number of daily doses administrated per 100 people. Chart source: Our World In Data / Mathieu, E., Ritchie, H., Ortiz-Ospina, E. et al

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