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June 2008

Gaming 101: The Fight Against The Powerful Diablo 3

Diablo 3 Gaming Game Scary

The latest is an action role-playing game that is developed by Blizzard and starting off with 1 that was released in 1997.  However, it was Diablo 2 that was released in 2000, became my personal favourite and which I played for hours till the end. Image source: Blizzard.

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3 Things That MIC Really Needs To Do


Just to be fair…

I chatted with a friend last night and we talked about my post on Manya Blogger Award. He asked whether there have been proposals for MIC to rectify their mistakes. Although I am not in favour of racial based political party (Pakatan Rakyat makes more sense), it is only fair to tell someone of their mistakes and ways to rectify before we can “whack” them. MIC Logo source: Wikipedia

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Childhood Memories: Part 8 – Indiana Jones, One of the Best Movies of 1980s

indiana jones harrison ford movie childhood

(One of the most iconic shots of the movie that came out in 1981 starring Harrison Ford as the adventurous, not the ordinary archaeologist. Image source: Empire)

It must have been in the early ’80s when this happened.

I was back from school early and after finishing off my homework, I went for my usual evening naps, waiting for my dad to come back home. When I woke up, I noticed my younger brother was not in the house. I asked my mom and she told me that both my dad and my brother had left to somewhere in the car.

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Childhood Memories: Part 7 – Old Friendly Neighbourhood Sundry Shop

old chinese sundry shop childhood

(What is from the above photo of a traditional shop is the old Chinese uncle wearing a white singlet with khaki short pants. Image source: Wikimedia)

Sundry shops those days, in the early 80s, were nothing like these days’ grand oversized hypermarkets. Small sundry shops were the lifeline to many small residential areas.

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Personal 101: Queuing – Getting The Lost Line Back

provocation queue-jumper queuing

Queuing, derived from the French word ‘‘ meaning ‘tail’, is the process of arranging in a line or waiting for one’s turn, typically to purchase something or wait for a service. This term, which has its origins in the late 16th century, is commonly used in various contexts, from everyday scenarios like waiting in line at a grocery store to technical fields such as computing, where it refers to the ordering of data or tasks in a sequence for processing. Image source: Challenging Coaching

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Anjathey – Outstanding Work from Mysskin


I used to hate watching Tamil movies, particularly after developing deep hatred for Tamil Serials. Image source: Amazon

All Tamil movies in my perception then looked junk and a waste of time. That is until I watched Shankar’s Boys – it was refreshing and had a good storyline. Then over the years, good movies like Annayin (by Shankar), Vettaiyaadu Veilaiyaadu, Sivaji: The Boss (by Shankar) and more, proved me that not all new Tamil movies sucks.

There are indeed good movies out there, not perfect in all areas but still better than some fucked up movies that ran in the local cinemas and TV.

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Childhood Memories: Part 6 – The Tough Hike On Multiplications

multiplication math

(Now it is easy to use the calculator to do multiplication but when we were small, we have learned this by heart and we will be punished severally if we make a mistake. Image source: Pinterest)

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Childhood Memories: Part 5 – The Scary Deer Head At Grandma’s House

deer wall grandma house childhood

My grandmother’s house was heaven on earth but there is one thing that I am truly afraid of is the huge head on the high up in the living room. Image source: Pxfuel

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2 Tier Fuel Pricing System: Please Don’t Fuel Stupidity


(Photo source:

Just assuming that this is what was truly said, it just reaffirms the notion that stupid statements can also comes from anyone including the oppositions.

From theStar:-

JOHOR BARU: A two-tier fuel pricing system for foreign registered vehicles will adversely affect the economy of the city.

Johor DAP chairman Dr Boo Cheng Hau said such a move would inconvenience both foreigners and local businesses dependent on the Singaporean clientele.

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Parenting 101: Mastering the Challenge of the Elusive Genius Kid

Kid Hiding Pillow

Kids often enjoy the game of hide and seek, which involves hiding from others as a form of play. This simple game, beloved by worldwide, encourages them to use their imagination and creativity to find new and inventive hiding spots. It also helps them develop problem-solving skills and understand the concept of object permanence. Moreover, hide and seek provides a safe way for children to explore their environment and learn about boundaries and spaces, all while having fun and engaging in physical activity. Photo by Pixabay

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